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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Xbox Live Has ( Kratos Head ) On Display


Simple, GoW is a Sony exclusive, or was a PS3 exclusive, now its coming to 360, you dont see the signs?

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No, the actual Kratos head has nothing to do with the video. It is simply a head on a plaque in Major Nelson's gaming room. He's probably a fan of the series or something. Of other heads on the wall there was a Master Chief helmet, a WoW character head, Marcus Fenix, and a few others I didn't get a good look at.

lol so funny




nightsurge said:
No, the actual Kratos head has nothing to do with the video. It is simply a head on a plaque in Major Nelson's gaming room. He's probably a fan of the series or something. Of other heads on the wall there was a Master Chief helmet, a WoW character head, Marcus Fenix, and a few others I didn't get a good look at.

WoW confirmed for 360 too, this is awesome!!!!

I saw this video and found it funny that they put his head there too. I guess its MS way of saying "Were all gamers no matter what console the games are in" lol

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The new update doesn't show the head. However that was Kratos on the original screenshot.

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MrBubbles said:
i think the implied is that kratos is a scared girl...just like the other 2 heads.

I think it could also mean, Microsoft is going to serve Kraitos head on a silver platter. GodOfWar killer on the way, this pretty much confirms it. I wonder what kind of game Microsoft might have up their sleeves to kill Good ol Kraitos?


"In God We Trust - In Games We Play " - Joel Reimer


The woman's head looks like Samus Aran.

I guess it just means Microsoft is full of themselves.

txrattlesnake said:
The woman's head looks like Samus Aran.

I guess it just means Microsoft is full of themselves.

OMG Metroid 4 exclusive to 360, megaton of e3 2010 leaked!!!!!!!!!!!!!

OMG, Microsoft will be the company behind GOW: Origins! HAHA