Send you PM's damn it!
Game Over - Cult Wins
Will post up complete night actions table tonight.
You were going to make the same mistake as earlier anyway, talking outside the game, as the Mafia were revealed by dsister in this chatlog: (Final-Fan noticed it).
Son1x died because he investigated sm128, the Paranoid Sword Owner. And, yes, Scifi was the Poisoner and died of Poison. The Cult were Prinnies converted by Beauty Queen Etna from Disgaea. They were limited to three recruits but their leader could sacrifice one of them to kill another non-Mafia player. They started with one Prinny, Vetteman94.
Round 10A will be run by Khuutra, and Round 10B is open to anyone who wants to run it, please PM me (since nordlead hasn't responded). I suggest Khuutra starts your joint signup thread and splits it when we have enough.
Voting To Lynch ( Lynched | Murdered | Poisoned | Other | Death by Snu Snu ) |
Person | Day 1 |
Day 2 | Day 3 | Day 4 | Day 5 | Identity |
Role |
dsister44 | Dgc1808 | Falcon095 | axumblade | (no vote) | Acevil |
Dr. Wily | Mafia Doctor |
Falcon095 |
(no vote) | RDBRaptor | axumblade |
(no vote) | Acevil |
Phoenix Wright |
Lie Detector |
Final-Fan | hatmoza | RDBRaptor | axumblade | zexen_lowe |
Acevil |
Boo | Body Snatcher (Cult) |
nordlead |
Dgc1808 | RDBRaptor | axumblade | (no vote) | (no vote) | King Dedede | Mafia Framer |
Vetteman94 |
Dgc1808 | Falcon095 | axumblade |
mm476 | Acevil | Grunty | Cult |
zexen_lowe |
Dgc1808 |
RDBRaptor | axumblade | mm476 | Acevil | Crash Bandicoot |
Bus Driver - Spin Attack (Cult) |
Dgc1808 | (no vote) |
--- | --- | --- | --- | Robotnik | Doctor/Miller |
dtewi | Dgc1808 | --- | --- | --- | --- | Derek Stiles | Doctor |
SmokedHostage |
No Lynch | zexen_lowe | --- | --- | --- | Professor Layton | Cop |
NinjaBlade360 | Dgc1808 | Falcon095 | --- | --- | --- | Megaman | Salvager |
hatmoza | Dgc1808 | (no vote) | axumblade | --- | --- | Samus |
Bulletproof (Masons) |
axumblade |
Dgc1808 | RDBRaptor |
Son1x |
--- | --- | Reno | Mafia Hitman |
RDBRaptor | (no vote) | Falcon095 | (no vote) | --- | --- | Link | Inventor (Masons) |
sabby_e17 | No Lynch | supermario128 | axumblade | --- | --- | Mario | F. F. / M.V. |
c03n3nj0 | Dgc1808 | Falcon095 | axumblade | --- | --- | Kairi | Lover (Cult) |
nen-suer | No Lynch | (no vote) | axumblade | --- | --- | Morrigan | Mafia Temptress |
makingmusic476 | Dgc1808 | Falcon095 | axumblade | (no vote) | --- | Dante | Mafia Leader |
Khuutra | Dgc1808 | Gnizmo | axumblade | Son1x | --- | Kirby | Ability Copier |
Gnizmo | Dgc1808 | Falcon095 | axumblade | mm476 | --- | Lakitu | Alien |
Rainbird | No Lynch | Falcon095 | axumblade | mm476 | --- | Sora | Lover |
TruckOSaurus | Dgc1808 | Falcon095 | axumblade | mm476 | --- | Pyramid Head | Bomb |
insomniac17 | Dgc1808 | (no vote) | (no vote) | mm476 | --- | Leon Kennedy | Vigilante |
trashleg | (no vote) | (no vote) | axumblade | (no vote) | --- | Beauty Queen Etna | Cult Leader |
Carl2291 | Dgc1808 | Falcon095 | axumblade | mm476 | --- | Cortana | Messenger (Cult) |
Son1x | No Lynch | RDBRaptor | axumblade | mm476 | Vetteman | Mr. Ford | Cop |
supermario128 | No Lynch | (no vote) | axumblade | mm476 | Acevil | Cloud Strife | Paranoid Sword Owner |
SciFiBoy | Dgc1808 | Falcon095 | axumblade | (no vote) | (no vote) | Mewtwo | Poisoner - Future Sight |
Acevil | Dgc1808 | Falcon095 | axumblade | (no vote) | (no vote) | Bowser | Roleblocker |
I may have to back off on 10A.
Good game, you rat bastard cultists
Also it's nice to know that my suspicions were mostly on the ball.
I'll get you next time, Captain Planet!
Damn cult. We really need to find a better way to deal with them. Ignoring the problem for as long as we did hurt us badly.
Also I would just like to say
I was trying to murder nordlead REALLY hard during night 2 or 3 or whenever it was
I just realized I poisoned the poisoner. Go me. Good night everyone.
Tag (courtesy of fkusumot): "Please feel free -- nay, I encourage you -- to offer rebuttal."
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
My advice to fanboys: Brag about stuff that's true, not about stuff that's false. Predict stuff that's likely, not stuff that's unlikely. You will be happier, and we will be happier.
"Everyone is entitled to his own opinion, but not his own facts." - Sen. Pat Moynihan
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
The old smileys:
; - ) : - ) : - ( : - P : - D : - # ( c ) ( k ) ( y ) If anyone knows the shortcut for
, let me know!
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
I have the most epic death scene ever in VGChartz Mafia. Thanks WordsofWisdom!
This game had better conditions for Cult then the previous one. They could kill and there was only 1 other faction they couldn't recruit.
I was in love with a Cult member, I should at least get a silver medal or something
Voting To Lynch ( Lynched | Murdered | Poisoned | Other | Death by Snu Snu ) |
Person | Day 1 |
Day 2 | Day 3 | Day 4 | Day 5 | Identity |
Role |
dsister44 | Dgc1808 | Falcon095 | axumblade | (no vote) | Acevil |
Dr. Wily | Mafia Doctor |
Falcon095 |
(no vote) | RDBRaptor | axumblade |
(no vote) | Acevil |
Phoenix Wright |
Lie Detector |
Final-Fan | hatmoza | RDBRaptor | axumblade | zexen_lowe |
Acevil |
Boo | Body Snatcher (Cult) |
nordlead |
Dgc1808 | RDBRaptor | axumblade | (no vote) | (no vote) | King Dedede | Mafia Framer |
Vetteman94 |
Dgc1808 | Falcon095 | axumblade |
mm476 | Acevil | Grunty | Cult |
zexen_lowe |
Dgc1808 |
RDBRaptor | axumblade | mm476 | Acevil | Crash Bandicoot |
Bus Driver (Cult) |
Day 1 | |||||||
Dgc1808 | (no vote) |
--- | --- | --- | --- | Robotnik | Doctor/Miller |
dtewi | Dgc1808 | --- | --- | --- | --- | Derek Stiles | Doctor |
Day 2 | |||||||
SmokedHostage |
No Lynch | zexen_lowe | --- | --- | --- | Professor Layton | Cop |
NinjaBlade360 | Dgc1808 | Falcon095 | --- | --- | --- | Megaman | Salvager |
Day 3 |
hatmoza | Dgc1808 | (no vote) | axumblade | --- | --- | Samus |
Bulletproof (Masons) |
axumblade |
Dgc1808 | RDBRaptor |
Son1x |
--- | --- | Reno | Mafia Hitman |
RDBRaptor | (no vote) | Falcon095 | (no vote) | --- | --- | Link | Inventor (Masons) |
sabby_e17 | No Lynch | supermario128 | axumblade | --- | --- | Mario | F. F. / M.V. |
c03n3nj0 | Dgc1808 | Falcon095 | axumblade | --- | --- | Kairi | Lover (Cult) |
nen-suer | No Lynch | (no vote) | axumblade | --- | --- | Morrigan | Mafia Temptress |
Day 4 |
makingmusic476 | Dgc1808 | Falcon095 | axumblade | (no vote) | --- | Dante | Mafia Leader |
Khuutra | Dgc1808 | Gnizmo | axumblade | Son1x | --- | Kirby | Ability Copier |
Gnizmo | Dgc1808 | Falcon095 | axumblade | mm476 | --- | Lakitu | Alien |
Rainbird | No Lynch | Falcon095 | axumblade | mm476 | --- | Sora | Lover |
TruckOSaurus | Dgc1808 | Falcon095 | axumblade | mm476 | --- | Pyramid Head | Bomb |
insomniac17 | Dgc1808 | (no vote) | (no vote) | mm476 | --- | Leon Kennedy | Vigilante |
trashleg | (no vote) | (no vote) | axumblade | (no vote) | --- | Beauty Queen Etna | Cult Leader |
Carl2291 | Dgc1808 | Falcon095 | axumblade | mm476 | --- | Cortana | Messenger (Cult) |
Day 5 |
Acevil | Dgc1808 | Falcon095 | axumblade | (no vote) | (no vote) | Bowser | Mafia Roleblocker |
supermario128 | No Lynch | (no vote) | axumblade | mm476 | Acevil | Cloud Strife | Paranoid Sword Owner |
SciFiBoy | Dgc1808 | Falcon095 | axumblade | (no vote) | (no vote) | Mewtwo | Poisoner |
Son1x | No Lynch | RDBRaptor | axumblade | mm476 | Vetteman | Mr. Ford | Cop |