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Forums - Sony Discussion - Ratchet and Clank ToD review thread.

Lost tears of Kain said:
Seriously they are not biased, look at OTHER ps3 games they reviewed, HS was ABOVE average, and was ABOVE ign, does that mean ps3 fanboys can scream ign is biased?

Maybe not gamespot as a whole but the individual reviewer most likely is. 7.5 for a game getting an average of 9 shows something is wrong.  Its been said the guy usually reviews sports games, having the wrong person for a review is gamespots failure while not "bias" they are in the wrong.


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After the Edge and Gamespot reviews are applied the game's average score will be 9.0. There is a concern it will fall below 9 now :(

That helps!

And Play gave Ratchet a 10 which hasn't been applied yet.

ah. Good, glad the gameinformer review came in. As ridiculous as Play reviews are at least it's balancing out the Edge score.

The GS forums in the aftermath of the R&C review:

This is almost as bad as the TP flop. I'll never forgive them for that one.

Around the Network

Can someone tell me where I can find the averaged values for different review sites? HappySquirrel posted these before: they are large scale statistical analysis of the different sites and their averaged scores, and so forth.

Anyone? Help me find it!">">

Bodhesatva said:

Can someone tell me where I can find the averaged values for different review sites? HappySquirrel posted these before: they are large scale statistical analysis of the different sites and their averaged scores, and so forth.

Anyone? Help me find it! 

 Because you always give me so much love.

GameSpot is ridiculous.
I expected that score out of Edge (They tend to crack down on a lot of titles), but it's becoming apparently obvious that GS has a hefty bias, and why they're even taking literally is beyond me.

I'm not speaking from a R&C perspective, or even a Sony perspective for that matter. The incident with TP, this, and a few games scattered throughout should show GS for what it is.

makingmusic476 said:
The GS forums in the aftermath of the R&C review:

This is almost as bad as the TP flop. I'll never forgive them for that one.

 OMG, I want to read those topics!!

This is going to be so fun...

konnichiwa said:
makingmusic476 said:
The GS forums in the aftermath of the R&C review:

This is almost as bad as the TP flop. I'll never forgive them for that one.

OMG, I want to read those topics!!

This is going to be so fun...

 Most of them were locked after the first 2-3 posts.  You go back a few pages on the GS System Wars board, and you'll fine like ten topics in a row all locked with only 1 post, haha.  I swear, you can go as far back as 11-12 pages and still find loads of topics on the R&C score.