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Forums - Sony Discussion - The Official God of War III Thread

well, the first time Kratos was just being badass, then the captain just keeps getting in his way lol, poor guy.


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unneccesarily bad ass ? why did he want the damn key anyway ? to save the women ? in the end it turns out everybody except himself got killed.

the rest , i agree - it was

btw, epic vids, no ?

The brother has wings, imagine an air battle ! SWEEEET !

rememeber the movie cross over between the Mummy and Scorpion King??

A huge desert storm reveals the skeleton of the Titan and Pandora's temple, Nathan Drake went on another adventure to discover the truth of Pandora's box. It turns out that Kratos killed all the gods and somehow got himself sealed in it; a random evil dude wants the power of God of War, but Kratos hates everyone, Nate must stoping the evil dude from releasing Kratos and destroying the world.


iBlah said:
rememeber the movie cross over between the Mummy and Scorpion King??

A huge desert storm reveals the skeleton of the Titan and Pandora's temple, Nathan Drake went on another adventure to discover the truth of Pandora's box. It turns out that Kratos killed all the gods and somehow got himself sealed in it; a random evil dude wants the power of God of War, but Kratos hates everyone, Nate must stoping him from destroying the world.

That would be AWESOME ! too bad it won't happen.



Some of the dialogues in Uncharted 2 can be modded to fit the mood perfectly.

Kraots: Stand up to the fight you coward!!!
Drake: HAHA come get me you fat ugly bitch. {runs}

Drake: {after shooting Kratos a few hundreds times} Why won't you just die!!!
Kraots:{trembles a little} YOU WILL NOT STAND IN THE WAY OF DESTINY!!!!!!!!!

Drake: How am I suppose to take on a go.........*gasps in awe*GOD!!! {discovers a sacred Olympus weapon} I will fight fire by fire!!! {picks up the weapon}

Kratos:{knees on the ground after defeat as Drake approaches} you think I'm a monster, but you are no better than me, how many men have you killed, how many, just today????


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Kratos looses ? To Drake ? GTFO of my thread ! Unless he comes back from the dead for vengeance and rapes Elena in front of Drake's eyes that is !
I can imagine it "God of Unchartedness : Drake's Vengeance"
Kratos has the sex mini game with elena and chloe.
Kratos will rip sully's head off.
Nate will kill Kratos for revenge as you said.
Kratos comes back from the dead, bringing the curse of el dorado with him.
They decide fighting is not worth it and decides to kill Master Chief instead.
That paves the way for the sequel : "Spartans vs Spartans vs Men"

pfff, your game is average, and you can't use MC becuse you don't have the IP. of course Kratos will lose, because Uncharted series have more milkable juice in it than GoW, Drake must be alive. but Kraots' defeat isn't perma, he'll be back once in a while to haunt Drake or remembering his good old days of killings, which will be games of course.


Wait, you were serious about that ROFL...

of course I'm serious, I never talk about crap that are not serious business, I'm a serious person.


of course you are.
*looks at avatar*