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Forums - Sales Discussion - Attach Rates: An investigation into Software over Hardware Sales

DnE said:

Its a little more complex than that.

You need to know when the software was sold relative to the purchase date of the console.
Then divide the total number of software sold for each month after purchase date of console by the toal number of consoles which have reached that month after purchase.

What you would expect is more software nearer the original purchase of the console pattering out later in life

This sounds a bit like what I was doing in the thread I linked to.

Switch Code: SW-7377-9189-3397 -- Nintendo Network ID: theRepublic -- Steam ID: theRepublic

Now Playing
Switch - Super Mario Maker 2 (2019)
3DS - Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney (Trilogy) (2005/2014)
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what this tells me is that people are slacking.
I'm doing my bit, I have over 30 games on PS3 now, and only one PS3!
the highest is 360 with 8 per console, so that means some console owners hardly buy any games at all?
What do people do with these things, use them as ornaments on mantlepieces or something?

get buying, people!

Proud Sony Rear Admiral

DnE said:


I was totally surprised by this, I just realized that the 360's higher attach rate is probably caused its longer market presence.

Wii collecting dust, or being "more casual" than other consoles=totally busted.

Anyways, I bookmarked this picture.

Spankey said:
what this tells me is that people are slacking.
I'm doing my bit, I have over 30 games on PS3 now, and only one PS3!
the highest is 360 with 8 per console, so that means some console owners hardly buy any games at all?
What do people do with these things, use them as ornaments on mantlepieces or something?

get buying, people!

Piracy, rentals, second hand, backward compatibility, DD combined with RRoD and YLoD makes me believe that the consoles aren't left idle.

Spankey said:
what this tells me is that people are slacking.
I'm doing my bit, I have over 30 games on PS3 now, and only one PS3!
the highest is 360 with 8 per console, so that means some console owners hardly buy any games at all?
What do people do with these things, use them as ornaments on mantlepieces or something?

get buying, people!

Yeah this is something that interests me a lot too.

How the hell it's possible I have more than 14 games in 14 months of ps3 ownership despite ps3 being my second gaming platform while the average is 7 games per system sold.


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Original post updated to October data

Some interesting parts,

 - 360 monthly software sales has gone from above the wii to below the PS3. Only the second time since 2007

 - This caused a sharp dip in the current attach rate as well

 - Wii has gained hardware sales again but not equivalent software sales. Causing a sharp dip in the monthly sw/monthly hw



Yip its an interesting thing to actually see these number. Now if only most people would realize that the most vocal gaming population reant the majority of the console owners.


Updated to November with the xmas sw spike in full effect.

All consoles still have roughly 20% of their yearly sw sales to come.

Switch the colors of the PS3 and 360 graph lines! Good gosh I was so confused!

I own 85 360 games
I own 20 PS3 games
I currently own 0 Wii games (don't want to get into detail but I LOVE the Wii)

So I'm above average on 2 out of 3 current gen consoles.

I wonder if 360's high attach rate has anything to do with Advertisements built into the interface whenever you turn the thing on?