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Forums - General Discussion - Mafia Round 8 - Game Thread

How about this, we threaten to lynch nen-suer unless he gives up the Cult Leader. Either he dies tonight, or lives a little while longer once the threat of the Cult Leader converting us all is over.

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You protected outlawauron, so am investigating u 2night MM

why dont u care about night kills ?

Are u safe now that the WW are gone

Are u mafia or WW, do u need the night kills ?

I Am harmless, lynching me is not in the best interest of the town

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at this point i say keep nen-suer alive since he helping us also if the cult Leader alive most likely he will go after me tonight since im now a townie

Ha, this got interesting. Need to retrack

I agree with Ninjablade. If we keep him alive, we can use him to tell us who is Mafia/WW.

Nen, is the cult leader alive? I am sure he would have been revealed if he died.

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Guys, why do we want to help the Cult? I understand the reasoning "the enemy of our enemy is our friend", but we know the second the mafia/wws are out of the way, they'll start voting to lynch us. And we know that any night when they DON'T uncover a mafia/ww, that means they converted another one of us.

Forgot to finish:

We NEED to find out who the Cult Leader is (if he's still alive). We need to kill him off asap. He's the biggest threat in the game at the moment.

I'm no better than a townie and I can't recruit anyone so killing me would be a waste of your time


Night Killers is the real threat.

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hatmoza said:

 --- Werewolf Prostitute


It's official, you slept with a dude! A very hairy dude!


As for the current twist, let me hit mafiascum for a while so I can figure out what the hell is going on right now.

Signature goes here!

nen-suer said:

I'm no better than a townie and I can't recruit anyone so killing me would be a waste of your time


Night Killers is the real threat.

Well, do you have any other "night killers" we could lynch today?

The way I see it, now that we know there are Cultists out there in addition to Mafia, the number of remaining townies is getting rather thin.  You're anti-town, and a vote in favor of Cultists whenever a lynching comes around.  Unless we have somebody else to go on, you're a safe bet to lynch, because otherwise we may make the pro-town list one person shorts, like we have the past three nights in a row.

You're the only guaranteed anti-town lynch at the moment.

Edit:  And now that I've said this, you may finger somebody else, but how do we know you're not doing that to save your neck?