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Forums - General Discussion - Mafia Round 8 - Game Thread

Ok, I'm here. First of all I have said don't much time at day, I have training and it only leaves me like 2hrs that I can't always spend on VGC, that only let me post at night.

The first day I couldn't have posted even If I wanted, and even if I had it would've been something like "Well like always we have nothing vote: no lynch" 'cause when I left the day had just started and when I got home it was night already.

The second day I could've voted but I after interrogating hatmoza I was just waiting to see what was going on so when I arrived from training I read through 3 damn pages and by the time I had finished it was too late, and since I wasn't here when all the mess wit megaman happened even if I had voted it wouldn't have been him.

You can complain about 3rd day, I wasn't at home all day, I just came home totake my training stuff and went training so I arrived at night and saw that the day was over.

There you are, and I don't get this "damn lurkers just ruin the game" attitude, specially against me, first of all I'm not the only one that ain't have time when you do (axumblade was in my position in the 3rd day and I don't see anybody saying "BURN AXUMBLADE"). Ok I haven't voted any day but so what? You're acting like if the game had like 3 people and my vote was necessary to end the day, actually i'd be happy if that was the case 'cause i'd be able to vote.

And what I don't really understand is those who says "he's probably just a vainilla town so let's lynch him!".. wait.. what? Could somebody explain this? How is somebody that's considering somebody innocent want him lynched? If he's not Anti-town that is.

Oh, and the most important thing.. I'm pro town

||Tag courtesy of fkusumot - "Heaven is like a Nintendo theme park!"||Join the Medal of Honor: Heroes 2 American League HERE!||

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I get the feeling Falcon's innocent, if only because we've had a near unanimous vote against him, and if he was anti-town, his faction would've protested the idea of lynching him at least a little.

Unless there are only two werewolves left, one being him and the other being carl, the only other person (aside from myself) that hasn't voted yet. And even carl merely said, "I'll give him a chance to defend himself."

Anyway, I think it's highly likely falcon's innocent, and even though he's not around much due to his busy schedule, I don't think it's in our best interest to finish off a towny just so we can say we finished off somebody. We're hurting right now, with no doctors and almost no cops. We need to keep as many of us alive as we can.

Okay so Falcon did defend himself quite nicely. I'm going to:

Unvote Falcon

and now I'm back at square one with nothing to go on... let's start a conversation then:

makingmusic476 why don't you ever vote? Afraid to take sides?

Also, on the 3rd day, you seemed to imply you had some extra info on Gnizmo that made you believe he was innocent but you never actually stepped in and explained yourself when it could have very well saved Gnizmo... why?

Signature goes here!

I'll only vote for somebody if I'm either sure they're guilty, or if I believe their death will be instrumental in proving a more important character's guilt/innocence.

Thus far in the game, neither of those two criteria have been met, and thus far you guys have lynched two (going on three, I believe) innocents (though admittedly, megaman was acting like a fool).

As for what I know and what role I play, I'll give that away when necessary. As for why I didn't save gnizmo, I got home from school right after the day ended, as shown by my last post in defense of gnizmo/hatmoza happening almost immediately after Zexen brought the day to a close. In short, I was late to the party.

And in all honesty, I wasn't 100% sure of gnizmo's innocence. More like 80%, but I was sure enough to know there was no way I was voting for him.


I kinda believe Falcon




am goining to bed now

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unvote- Falcon

i have no suspicions about anyone at the moment

axumblade said:
unvote- Falcon

MM has a point we have been worse then a trigger happy vigilante...

Anybody have any other suggestions of who is anti-town?

The only two people I found even slightly suspicious were you and nen-suer.  nen-suer because he was so quick to jump on outlaw earlier (though I have a feeling he was partly joking around), and you because you've been an extremely quiet guy this game, despite normally being one of the more active members of the forum. Of course, one of your earlier posts implied you were going through some personal issues outside the interent, which would explain why you haven't been around as much as usual.

What little suspicion I had about you guys was for the most part erased when you unvoted falcon just now.  It happened... suprisingly fast, to say the least.  If you guys were anti-town, I doubt you would've given up on the shot at a free kill so fast.  Or you may just be covering yourselves incredibly well.  Who knows.

Other than that, I got nothin'.

I kinda wish Final-fan were still alive. He'd be pointing fingers left and right, which at the very least would get people talking, possibly leading to someone slipping up.

I'm off to bed now, maybe tomorrow I'll wake up and suddenly find someone suspicious!

Signature goes here!

Unvotes need to be in bold

I suppose you guys could make a conspiracy theory out of that (fake unvotes) but it's so weak even I wouldn't touch it.

(The reputation I seem to be getting in these games is really hilarious to me.)

Tag (courtesy of fkusumot): "Please feel free -- nay, I encourage you -- to offer rebuttal."
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My advice to fanboys: Brag about stuff that's true, not about stuff that's false. Predict stuff that's likely, not stuff that's unlikely. You will be happier, and we will be happier.

"Everyone is entitled to his own opinion, but not his own facts." - Sen. Pat Moynihan
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The old smileys: ; - ) : - ) : - ( : - P : - D : - # ( c ) ( k ) ( y ) If anyone knows the shortcut for , let me know!
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I have the most epic death scene ever in VGChartz Mafia.  Thanks WordsofWisdom!