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Forums - General Discussion - Mafia Round 8 - Game Thread

EDITS ... again

*TruckO has to be mafia/cult if sabby is telling the truth

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Dgc1808 said:

I thought the psychopath was anti-town aswel but after reading what mm said and checking mafiascum, our psycho is definitely pro-town. If you're really telling the truth, truckO has to be cop.


You raise a very good point but that's really nothing solid to go on... if you really are innocent though, then atleast we know who are last mafia member is.

Whatever, he came up as guilty so hes a bad guy, most likely a Mafia if the psycopath is pro-town.

However I don't really know if the psycopath is pro-town, he could be anti-town or pro-town according to what you and MM have said so I'm not too sure about that.

But one thing is for sure, Trucks is a bad guy.

Okay, let's recap sabby's day! He starts off throwing comments about the night before, asking about the psycho.

sabby_e17 said:
Wtf, Carl was a doctor...I'm just wondering how there are so many doctors.

And now the cult leader has been exposed.

sabby_e17 said:
Is there a serial killer among us?

Then I continue my quest for knowledge asking about the cult :

TruckOSaurus said:
Some things we need to figure out:

- Where did nen-suer get his information on outlaw (was it just dumb luck)?
- Is it possible we still have cult members among us?
- Who's the psycho?
- Who is Cartman's father?

And only then does he decide he's a cop and that he's supposedly investigated me last night. Why did he wait to post his results? If he really was a cop, he would have started off the day with news of my guilty-ness, especially in the end game like we are right now.


Signature goes here!

Good defense, Truck.

Unvote: TruckO

Vote: Sabby

4 ≈ One

You reasoning adds up very well. I think Sabby's our enemy anti-town.

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ok i was lying about not being a cult member i am the last one but i did get a PM from Son1x were he gave me a lot of info (and when i mean a lot i do mean a lot ). the reason why nen-suer knew why outlawauron was a werewolf is each night he can chose to investigate to see if someone was a townie or a bad guy (werewolf or mafia ) or recruit someone . he said the reason why the cult was so small was because he was mostly using his power to investigate people the last part of it said he said that out of the last people he new that he knew that makingmusic476 is pro town and hes going to recruit him tonight and that troko was anti-town the only reason im revealing this is everyone here thinks im a cult member so i know im eventually going down no madder what i do so i have nothing left to lose and i would rather have the town win then the mafia or psycopath

XOXO, NinjaBlade

Dgc1808 said:
You reasoning adds up very well. I think Sabby's our enemy anti-town.

Thanks. Good thing I have logic and reason on my side.

Signature goes here!

also i think sabby is a bad guy


Well you're harmless, then. Who do you think we should vote for?

4 ≈ One

well i now for sure trucko is anti town but sabby is also likely anti town but either way im dead to night. im voting for the guy im 100% sure is bad guy

vote TruckOSaurus