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Forums - General Discussion - Mafia Round 8 - Game Thread

Dgc1808 said:
So I really don't know what to do here... there's Sabby and there's truckO...

I think the important question is, are there any cultist left?

Considering that nen-suer knew about outlaw and wasn't ever in a position to investigate people, I'm pretty sure there's at least another cultist maybe two because the odds of NinjaBlade being converted are high.

Signature goes here!

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Since Psychopath is anti-town until cured, wouldn't he show up guilty on a police investigation?

4 ≈ One

It just hit me. Sabby claimed Trucks is Mafia specifically. If he investigated Trucks, all he'd know is that Trucks were guilty. He wouldn't know which particular side Trucks is on.

makingmusic476 said:
sabby_e17 said:
I think that me and MM are the only innocent ones left.

Trucks is Mafia, Ninjablade is probably a cultist and dgc is (I think) the psycopath.

What I wanna know is why did you wait so long to reveal yourself?  You could've been axed long ago, making your findings useless.  And who else did you investigate?

I became a cop on Day 4.

On day 4 I investigated nen-suer who was innocent at the time.

On day 5 I investigated Ninjablade.

On day 6 I investigated Axumblade.

makingmusic476 said:
It just hit me. Sabby claimed Trucks is Mafia specifically. If he investigated Trucks, all he'd know is that Trucks were guilty. He wouldn't know which particular side Trucks is on.

Ofcourse it came out as guilty. And I think he is the last remaining Mafia while Ninjablade is a cultist.

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Dgc1808 said:
Since Psychopath is anti-town until cured, wouldn't he show up guilty on a police investigation?

I though Psycopath is pro-town. Anyways, Trucks is guilty, so its in the town's best interest to lynch him.

i lwft for about a hour and the day ended im going to read the 64 posts i will be back in a minute

Take your time guys, I know I seem VERY suspicious but I'm telling the truth and its up to you guys to believe me.

I'm gonna be gone for the next hour, possibly two hours. Keep fingering each other til I get back!

And yes, that does sound dirtier than I intended it to. >_>

sabby_e17 said:
Dgc1808 said:
Since Psychopath is anti-town until cured, wouldn't he show up guilty on a police investigation?

I though Psycopath is pro-town. Anyways, Trucks is guilty, so its in the town's best interest to lynch him.

There's two variations.
Seems more likely it's anti-town considering how much pro-town protection was in this game... 

4 ≈ One