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Forums - Sales Discussion - PSP GO sells 8K in France WEEK 1!

Alors que certains lui prêtent un funeste destin et que d'autres se réjouissent de sa commercialisation, la PSPgo divise. While some attribute to him a fatal destiny and others welcome its marketing, PSPgo divides. Au delà des querelles de chapelle, une seule vérité est finalement importante, celle des chiffres. Beyond quarrels chapel, one truth is finally important than numbers.
Et on peut affirmer que les premiers chiffres distillés par Sony sont plutôt encourageants pour " une machine de niche ", comme elle est définie par Georges Fornay, PDG de PlayStation France. And we can say that the first distilled by Sony figures are quite encouraging for a machine niche "as it is defined by George Fornay, CEO of PlayStation France.
En effet, ce ne sont pas moins de 8000 machines qui se sont écoulées lors des trois premiers jours de commercialisation de la PSPgo , pour une mise en place totale de 50 000 pièces. Indeed, it is not less than 8,000 machines that were passed during the first three days of marketing the PSPgo, for a total establishment of 50 000 pieces. Il reste à voir comment évolueront les chiffres de vente dans les semaines à venir et notamment à l'approche des fêtes, pour savoir si Sony sera en mesure de tenir son pari. It remains to see how evolve the sales figures in the coming weeks including the Christmas approaches, whether Sony will be able to take his bet.


Well THATS what SONY says......

VG CHARTZ has PSP at 7K in France last week

but obviously VGC PSP numbers alone are GO + PSP 3000.......the SONy figures are specific PSP GO ones

All hail the KING, Andrespetmonkey

Around the Network

Wow, thats low.

Vg chartz has PSP around 7K in france for last week

so either PSP is undertracked, or they are shipped figures & not figures SONY got from GAF?

All hail the KING, Andrespetmonkey


yeah they are quite low....but oh well, we knew this would happen.

All hail the KING, Andrespetmonkey

very low

Around the Network

horrible sales


what do you feel about these PSP GO sales in general though?

they aren't that great are they?

All hail the KING, Andrespetmonkey

Bombs away.

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Isnt the first time that Vgchartz undertracked a Playstation product in Europe...

The article says 8k sold to consumers, and 50k shipped to retailers.

End of '09 predictions :

Playstation 3 : 36M
Xbox 360 : 38M
Wii : 71M