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Forums - Sales Discussion - I believe the USED market may hurt the 360 and PS2 come the holidays

angrypoolman said:
MontanaHatchet said:
Man Poolman, you are so freakin' oblivious to the point several people are making. It's painful.


Well, in a nutshell we have:

A) Your head is so far up Nintendo's ass, it's pathetic.


B) You should not be talking people into buying new/used games based on your bias towards one company.

Other than that, nothing much at all.

themanwithnoname's law: As an America's sales or NPD thread grows longer, the probabilty of the comment "America = World" [sarcasticly] being made approaches 1.

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JerCotter7 said:
Actually I wouldn't tell you get lost. I would just walk straight out of the shop.

Lol, more power to you then, I guess.

angrypoolman said:
MontanaHatchet said:
Man Poolman, you are so freakin' oblivious to the point several people are making. It's painful.


In case Montana does not make the point clearly enough, it is this:

Many people on this site have "console loyalties", though there are those of us who find this state of affairs to be painfully stupid. However, even those people who have console loyalties tend to limit our activities to places which are appropriate for them: we do not bring over our agendas into real life. There is an invisible line there, and you have crossed it: you have let your loyalties carry over into real life, which has made you a sort of nightmare image to many people. They cannot imagine divesting themselves so utterly in the consoles on which they play games.

angrypoolman said:
MontanaHatchet said:
Man Poolman, you are so freakin' oblivious to the point several people are making. It's painful.


Selling Nintendo games used would benefit Gamestop the most because Nintendo sells the most software.

You can either be the best fanboy or the best salesman, not both.

Ronster: Did you really just compare people giving recommendations on forums to someone that works at a major retailer and purposely tries to hurt companies that haven't done anything to hurt him personally?



Does anyone want to discuss the original topic?

Anyone can guess. It takes no effort to throw out lots of predictions and have some of them be correct. You are not and wiser or better for having your guesses be right. Even a blind man can hit the bullseye.

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angrypoolman said:
Ronster316 said:
There are a lot of "salesmen" on this site.

I see nothing wrong with what angry is doing purely because i have seen tonnes of other fanboys on here reccomend a ps3 or 360 (in those suspect "what console should i buy" threads) based on their loyalty towards that console.

Hell, if Sega still made Hardware and there was Sega, Nintendo, Microsoft and Sony in this business i too would only reccomend buying Sega & Nintendo games or consoles new.

I have never bought a Sony console new and i never will (only second hand ones)

But every Nintendo or Sega console i have owned i paid the full R.R.P. for them

Thank you. Finally somebody who isn't going to act like they're better than me and judge me.

How many "i just bought a ps3" or "what console should i buy? ps3 or 360?" threads do we get all over the internet?

I applaud you for taking your loyalty directly to the customers.

@Khuutra - Thanks for making that point clear, because I didn't understand what the hell he was saying. Uhh.. Im sorry you think I am some sort of nightmare image. hahaha, but the managers there actually enjoy my service, believe it or not. I once got a family to spend over 500 dollars on Nintendo shit when they were buying a Wii. My manager was pleased. So it seems:
Forums - I'm a nightmare
Work - I'm a God.

@ Montana- Nintendo doesn't sell the most software at GameStop. Wii and DS are actually on the bottom when it comes to software sales.

This is what I want you to do: Go into a GameStop and ask the manager of that store what sells the most software. Most GameStops will tell you it's 360.

Ronster316 said:
angrypoolman said:
Ronster316 said:
There are a lot of "salesmen" on this site.

I see nothing wrong with what angry is doing purely because i have seen tonnes of other fanboys on here reccomend a ps3 or 360 (in those suspect "what console should i buy" threads) based on their loyalty towards that console.

Hell, if Sega still made Hardware and there was Sega, Nintendo, Microsoft and Sony in this business i too would only reccomend buying Sega & Nintendo games or consoles new.

I have never bought a Sony console new and i never will (only second hand ones)

But every Nintendo or Sega console i have owned i paid the full R.R.P. for them

Thank you. Finally somebody who isn't going to act like they're better than me and judge me.

How many "i just bought a ps3" or "what console should i buy? ps3 or 360?" threads do we get all over the internet?

I applaud you for taking your loyalty directly to the customers.

Thank you. =]

What Montana really means, angrypoolman, is that he cannot imagine why you care so much that you would let it carry over into real life. He has trouble understanding. Hell, so do I.


It's more like.. I like Nintendo better, so I am going to ask them if they are interested in buying a new copy.. if they say yes then it's like... ok cool, Nintendo gets a sale.