As the town rises from a night of slumber, they discover that two people are suspiciously missing, and they decide to check on their houses. One of them isn't a pretty sight. Nordlead's house is covered by blood, yet the corpse is nowhere to be found. Scattered around the house, you find tiny bits of skin, and lying below the sofa is an eye. Seems like the werewolves ate him alive. Poor nordlead, he wasn't even from this planet, as he was an alien, proved by the strange UFO that's parked in the garage
The other dead is SimplyMe, at least this time the corpse appears, though it's not a pretty sight either. Stabbed 23 times, from the head to the legs, each stab below the other, she lies dead in her house, obviously killed by the mafia. Nothing suspicious arises from a search inside, therefore it's logical to assume she was a simple innocent townie
Day 2 Begin!