psychoBrew said:
It's story driven. There are some side quests, but they are more or less filler (so far, anyway). It's also fairly linear (which is great if you want a story, but only if you want a story). The story is not bad, but the game seems to rely on it too much for me to concider it a hardcore RPG. Daggerfall it is not. I don't understand your question about dungeon based or quest based since most RPGs give you quests that send you in to dungeons. |
You pretty much answered my question, thanks.
what i meant by that was if the game was dungeon based like Tales games/other story driven RPGs where in the end of the dungeon you fight a boss, OR if the game was quest based with no story like Monster Hunter/World of Warcraft (i have yet to see a conventional "boss battle" in monster hunter).
i like story driven RPGs better, though i WILL be trying out Monster Hunter 3 when it comes to the US, it's not really my favourite type of game.