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Forums - PC Discussion - When will pc graphics start to really outpace console (this gen) graphics?

Other then crysis nothing really.

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ratchetsippi said:

crysis only looks better than ps3 exclusive in pc fans minds, thats the only place

Which PS3 exclusive/s exactly?

If you have any doubt about what most people think about Crysis versus PS3 exclusives, start your own thread or just look up some of the old ones discussing this same topic.

Slimebeast said:
There is no racing game on PC that comes even close to GT5's grafix.

Of course it could be done, but I'm just saying.

What about Need for Speed Shift.  I heard that it looks amazing.


Ok guys, you're missing the whole point here.

1st, Console game industry is more profitable due to low piracy, they have better artist, etc.

Consoles, PS3 is based on nVidia 7800 technology, which can't do DirectX 10, Xbox 360 is based on ATi X1800 which can't do DirectX 10 either. Additionally nVidia 7800 technology can't do AA (Anti aliasing) and HDR at the same time. But Xbox 360 can. Ok, either ways, in that generation, AA was a luxury, not a requirement like in nVidia 8000 series, and Radeon HD 2000 series which is the generation directly above the technology PS3 and Xbox 360 uses.

With that said, the only reason you don't see an evolution that great in graphics is that Consoles are hindering PC's. Multiplatform titles specially. There's no console that can do DirectX 10, and have you seen a PC title that benefits a lot or differentiates that much from the latest console titles?

I'll leave the answer to yourself.

Till the next gen of consoles, we will not see a lot of improvement in the graphics department in all platforms.

And BTW, I'm a hardcore PC gamer that think Crysis is shit. And yeah, I can play it in Very High with nice frames. Looks pretty, that's all.

So we have a card which can play Call of Duty MW2 at 7680 by 1600 (12 megapixel) at the same framerates the PS3 can do it at less than HD resolutions and people dare to ask when pc graphics will outpace consoles? Seriously most of you don't even have a digital camera which takes pictures with as many pixels!


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+ No console can't do this with textures for example. :)
(Well, there has been texture packs for just about any game, but it doesn't exclude the thing that no console can't use those textures.)

Hmmm... so when will PC games be a generation better graphically then console games.  Well, since this is a screenshot of GT5 Prologue released in 2008, with the full version with double the polygon count on cars to be released early next year. 

I think they still have alittle way to go before any PC games (DX11 or quadzillion video cards) are a generational leap beyond consoles. Besides, console developers decide when the next generation leap will be, don't you guys pay attention to anything anymore ;)


Last gen the systems were made with old hardware for the time, this gen they were giving new hardware.


And with this recession dont expect any better graphics just appearing.

eggs2see said:

Hmmm... so when will PC games be a generation better graphically then console games.  Well, since this is a screenshot of GT5 Prologue released in 2008, with the full version with double the polygon count on cars to be released early next year. 

I think they still have alittle way to go before any PC games (DX11 or quadzillion video cards) are a generational leap beyond consoles. Besides, console developers decide when the next generation leap will be, don't you guys pay attention to anything anymore ;)


Your comment is neutral, though very console biased let me do one PC biased to level things out. What you say is true, console developers decide when the next generational leap comes. As I said in my last post. Since Xbox 360 and PS3 can't do better graphics than PC we'll all have to accostume to whatever graphics console developers can do in the consoles. There will be no graphical leap in PC gaming till the next generation of consoles. We've been stuck in DX9 for the past 3 years and it's the console's fault.


And yea, that GT5 image, it sure looks beatiful in PS3, far better than any racing game out there including PC. If Polyphony would have done GT5 PC exlusive it would look far better than that. That's a fact. , mildly NSFW. Funny that some hentai games do better job using hardware on PC than western commercial games. Well, I blame consoles just like guy above.