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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - IGN editor: No worthwhile Wii games have released since 2007.

Gnizmo said:

Nothing has ever come close to being as hard as the NES Zeldas. They were the most hardcore of the hardcore games in the series, but also amongst the worst imo.

Zelda 2 maybe, but Zelda 1 wasn't really challenging. 

It was mostly just doing random stuff for 6 hours in different places hoping to discover the next area to go to that made it a pain.

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Words Of Wisdom said:

Zelda 2 maybe, but Zelda 1 wasn't really challenging.

It was mostly just doing random stuff for 6 hours in different places hoping to discover the next area to go to that made it a pain.

Zelda 1's second quest was what made it hard. The first run through was a bitch only if you got lost which was extremely easy.

Starcraft 2 ID: Gnizmo 229

Gnizmo said:
selnor said:

Zelda 3 as NOT complex at all. Niether was the first one. OOT was much more complex. The 2nd one with it's 2d side segments was the only complex part of any of the first 3.

I guess my opinion is different to yours. I can see exactly what the IGN article means. I know MK has always had rewards for people in last place. But nowhere near the rediculousness that is MKWii.

And also you cannot have concrete evidence to opinion. Yours is opinion just as much as mine as is IGN's. So no I didnt waste time at all, I'm sorry my opinion is what you wanted, but it's how I feel about Ninty letting me down.

I can give concrete evidence for many of my opinions. I have cited new mechanics that make MKWii require skill to excell at. I can also cite examples of why SMG was more "casual" than Mario 64 and a good example of what you are talking about. I just wanted to see if you were going with the majority opinion for a real reason or not.

OoT is a 3D remake of Link to the Past. To call it much more complex is absurd. Many of the puzzles were far easier. Nothing has ever come close to being as hard as the NES Zeldas. They were the most hardcore of the hardcore games in the series, but also amongst the worst imo.

It's not the added player mechanics that are at fault for what I'm describing in MKwii, it's the core mechanics that are incontrollable. Dont get me wrong, I can win even with the bad catch up mechanic going on. But it's much more random than before. To random for an ex MK64 player. Yes I'm aware the game is different, but I have played it for more than 5 mins. Probably about 7 hours. Really to please my little sister in law more than me. She loves it.

I know all about OOT. And I still have a copy of Link to The Past. I personally didnt find Z3 that hard. Wheras I struggled sometimes with OOT.

LordTheNightKnight said:
hanafuda said:
'Except that the companies can't make those games for the other systems forever if the Wii keeps outselling them.'.

They can and will if they can sell software for them. Doesn't matter how many Wiis are sold.

Aren't you the one that always claims that user base does not matter? You contradict yourself so often that I'm starting to think it is a joke account.

2 fallacies here.

1. Not giving me the change to explain the apparent discrepancy.

2. Even if it is a contradiction, that is one, not "so often".

Once you realize those two, I'll explain what I meant.


How is that a fallacy?


Then it is not a fallacy...

So I don't realise those two, but regardless, be my guest and explain.


PSN - hanafuda

voty2000 said:
This is a guys opinion in a blog so what's the big deal? It seems he writes guides for IGN and not much else and has not written a review. There are people out there that don't care for the Wii except a few select games, that's why there are 3 different consoles. I know it's hard to believe but the Wii isn't for everyone. Wii fans need to be less sensitive about there console, it's doing fine and a BLOG won't change that.

It's the same with the 360 and PS3 (I know, hard to believe).  I remember Sony fanboys just personally insulting one person who criticized there console (in this forum too), and instead of addressing the points, it was just insults ;).  I got flamed than for defending him for the personal insults.


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psrock said:
darthdevidem01 said:
How is this allowed?

seriously can/shouldn't they sack him?

Sack him for writing on his blog?

that's his opinion and he owns the Wii.


So, I own a PS3, and many people consider my opinion about it invalid ;).


Although I disagree with darthdevidem01 as well =).


Okay 1 is more a cheap "debating" tactic than fallacy.

2 is a fallacy, because you claimed I did it "so often", which requires several instances, not one.

And I didn't claim that userbase doesn't matter. Userbase helps overall software sales. I've meant userbase in terms of individual game sales.

If Call of Duty 4 had come out on the Wii before World At War, it would have sold as good ad the HD versions. The Wii didn't make it sell less. Not following the breakthrough for the series did that.

But in terms of entire library sales, more users means more people are buying games, even if the games looked at one at a time don't show it.

A flashy-first game is awesome when it comes out. A great-first game is awesome forever.

Plus, just for the hell of it: Kelly Brook at the 2008 BAFTAs


So we get to the bottom of it. Your little sister in law beat you in Mario Kart Wii and now you don't like it :P

"Sack him for writing on his blog?"

Just don't let him write anything official about the Wii.

A flashy-first game is awesome when it comes out. A great-first game is awesome forever.

Plus, just for the hell of it: Kelly Brook at the 2008 BAFTAs

selnor said:

It's not the added player mechanics that are at fault for what I'm describing in MKwii, it's the core mechanics that are incontrollable. Dont get me wrong, I can win even with the bad catch up mechanic going on. But it's much more random than before. To random for an ex MK64 player. Yes I'm aware the game is different, but I have played it for more than 5 mins. Probably about 7 hours. Really to please my little sister in law more than me. She loves it.

I know all about OOT. And I still have a copy of Link to The Past. I personally didnt find Z3 that hard. Wheras I struggled sometimes with OOT.

It is way more chaotic if you are caught in the "pack" because you have 12 retarded monkeys flinging shit at each other rather than 8. Once you establish a good lead it is the same as ever before. Essentially it is only more random when facing people equal in skill.

Starcraft 2 ID: Gnizmo 229