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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - IGN editor: No worthwhile Wii games have released since 2007.

I read a lot less constructive criticism regarding the Wii as a platform than any other which isn't telling me that it has the least problems, but rather than its fans that haven't expanded out of their "Nintendo is the only word in gaming" phase are easily the most forgiving.

While I can't agree with the blog in that no great games have been released on the platform since 2007 (No More Heroes, Punch Out and of course fan favorites Smash Bros and Mario Kart all come to mind), as someone who has no need to artificially pump up games that are "must buy" for any given platform (I have them all), the pickings have been pretty slim and my interest in the platform has tapered off to only a few specific titles per year. It often goes weeks and sometimes months between being turned on.

I haven't played Mario games in well over ten years and after MP3 and Twilight Princess, I think my days of enjoying the Metroid and Zelda franchises have come to an end (dating all the way back to the original NES versions).

But it's an opinion really, and the only reason why some are getting so bent out of shape over it is because they still fall into the category of the forgiving Nintendo fan (if you are a single young adult and you praised Wii Music, you may be in that category), which do little to actually improve what we see on the platform. There's plenty on the platform, but it's hardly the be all end all to console gaming this generation, sales rates aside.

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Kuro_Neko_13 said:
LordTheNightKnight said:
Kuro_Neko_13 said:
i bet this guy has an iphone or itouch and just loves it to death, even though it has crappy games that are for "teh casualz", & no good real games

Yeah, standards are not about logic for these people.

then why the fuck are they getting paid?

I'm still not sure if this is an employee for the site or a user posting on a public blog.

A flashy-first game is awesome when it comes out. A great-first game is awesome forever.

Plus, just for the hell of it: Kelly Brook at the 2008 BAFTAs

Gnizmo said:
NKAJ said:
thats his opinion,hes allowed it

And the people posting here are allowed their opinion. Just because you happen to disagree with their opinion does not make it any less valid. Funny how that argument runs itself in a circle, eh?

the problem is a lot of people are taking this as if IGN posted it as an official editorial or news post.

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greenmedic88 said:
I read a lot less constructive criticism regarding the Wii as a platform than any other which isn't telling me that it has the least problems, but rather than its fans that haven't expanded out of their "Nintendo is the only word in gaming" phase are easily the most forgiving.

While I can't agree with the blog in that no great games have been released on the platform since 2007 (No More Heroes, Punch Out and of course fan favorites Smash Bros and Mario Kart all come to mind), as someone who has no need to artificially pump up games that are "must buy" for any given platform (I have them all), the pickings have been pretty slim and my interest in the platform has tapered off to only a few specific titles per year. It often goes weeks and sometimes months between being turned on.

I haven't played Mario games in well over ten years and after MP3 and Twilight Princess, I think my days of enjoying the Metroid and Zelda franchises have come to an end (dating all the way back to the original NES versions).

But it's an opinion really, and the only reason why some are getting so bent out of shape over it is because they still fall into the category of the forgiving Nintendo fan (if you are a single young adult and you praised Wii Music, you may be in that category), which do little to actually improve what we see on the platform. There's plenty on the platform, but it's hardly the be all end all to console gaming this generation, sales rates aside.

Oh god, trying to generalize those disageeing with the guy. Same as the generalization BS the guy was posting.

It's not the obssessive Wii fans getting upset over this. It's simple Nintendo fans tired of this bullshit being aired as though it's gospel, even if it is just a blog.

We know the Wii doesn't have as many games as it could. Where are we claiming otherwise? Really, where?

A flashy-first game is awesome when it comes out. A great-first game is awesome forever.

Plus, just for the hell of it: Kelly Brook at the 2008 BAFTAs

he is right...

MY HYPE LIST: 1) Gran Turismo 5; 2) Civilization V; 3) Starcraft II; 4) The Last Guardian; 5) Metal Gear Solid: Rising

Around the Network
ssj12 said:
Gnizmo said:
NKAJ said:
thats his opinion,hes allowed it

And the people posting here are allowed their opinion. Just because you happen to disagree with their opinion does not make it any less valid. Funny how that argument runs itself in a circle, eh?

the problem is a lot of people are taking this as if IGN posted it as an official editorial or news post.

I'm not even sure a lot of people even care as they are quick to defend any form of criticism, even if it's just coming from a guy who has clearly fallen out of the Nintendo demographic after X years of gaming and probably won't find himself back in that demographic until he has kids of his own who are old enough to start gaming.

Guys, he is right and entitled to his own opinion. Just because you like the Wii doesn't mean you get to attack the fact that he doesn't.
There are a lot of people that think the system itself is just an excuse for gimmicky games.

Since 2007 there have only been two games on the Wii that I've wanted to play . And one's the FF4 sequel. Does that make me wrong? No, It just means I made the right decision in only buying systems that appeal to my taste.

LordTheNightKnight said:
Kuro_Neko_13 said:
LordTheNightKnight said:
Kuro_Neko_13 said:
i bet this guy has an iphone or itouch and just loves it to death, even though it has crappy games that are for "teh casualz", & no good real games

Yeah, standards are not about logic for these people.

then why the fuck are they getting paid?

I'm still not sure if this is an employee for the site or a user posting on a public blog.

"...when I first became an editor here at IGN..."


Does that answer your question?

The rEVOLution is not being televised

LordTheNightKnight said:
greenmedic88 said:
I read a lot less constructive criticism regarding the Wii as a platform than any other which isn't telling me that it has the least problems, but rather than its fans that haven't expanded out of their "Nintendo is the only word in gaming" phase are easily the most forgiving.

While I can't agree with the blog in that no great games have been released on the platform since 2007 (No More Heroes, Punch Out and of course fan favorites Smash Bros and Mario Kart all come to mind), as someone who has no need to artificially pump up games that are "must buy" for any given platform (I have them all), the pickings have been pretty slim and my interest in the platform has tapered off to only a few specific titles per year. It often goes weeks and sometimes months between being turned on.

I haven't played Mario games in well over ten years and after MP3 and Twilight Princess, I think my days of enjoying the Metroid and Zelda franchises have come to an end (dating all the way back to the original NES versions).

But it's an opinion really, and the only reason why some are getting so bent out of shape over it is because they still fall into the category of the forgiving Nintendo fan (if you are a single young adult and you praised Wii Music, you may be in that category), which do little to actually improve what we see on the platform. There's plenty on the platform, but it's hardly the be all end all to console gaming this generation, sales rates aside.

Oh god, trying to generalize those disageeing with the guy. Same as the generalization BS the guy was posting.

It's not the obssessive Wii fans getting upset over this. It's simple Nintendo fans tired of this bullshit being aired as though it's gospel, even if it is just a blog.

We know the Wii doesn't have as many games as it could. Where are we claiming otherwise? Really, where?

I'm not making excuses for Nintendo, maybe because unlike most Nintendo fans, I'm actually a share holder.

Your reaction is exactly what I'm talking about jumping into full Nintendo defense mode at the first sign of criticism.

And the platform has more than enough games; the question is who are those games being targetted at? I don't have a problem with that either, so long as it keeps the company profitable and growing (faltering here in 2009), but I'm definitely not going to be buying any of those games when they don't have any appeal to me, regardless of whether I have one sitting in the entertainment center.

Kuro_Neko_13 said:
i bet this guy has an iphone or itouch and just loves it to death, even though it has crappy games that are for "teh casualz", & no good real games

Yeah, I'm with this guy. How do these WiiHaters sleep at night in their own rampant hippocracy?