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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - IGN editor: No worthwhile Wii games have released since 2007.

Quantum of Solace on PS3. 740K.

To list the first two I thought of....

PSN - hanafuda

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big_boss said:
Well on the PS3 and 360 you have UC2, DS, AC2, ODST, MW2, Dragon Age Origins, Forza 3, Batman AA, Ultimate Alliance 2, Brutal Legend, Tekken 6, Ninja Gaiden 2, OF: Dragon rising, FFXIII, R&C ACT, and more if you count releases early this year (Killzone 2, Infamous, Halo Wars, ect). Thats what 10 multi platform releases and 5 exclusive titles ( 2 360, 3 PS3 ) between this month and december.

Thats 3 shooters ( 4 if you count UC2) in a total of 15 games that have a solid track record of being quality titles or being made by quality developers. None of these games are coming to the Wii. Regardless if you own a 360 or PS3 , not only will you have quality but your have variety as well and in IMO thats something the Wii can't offer at a consistent bases or this holiday season and thats why I agree with him.

So if you combine both platforms, add in games only releasing in one region, and throw in one game that has already released AND is on the Wii and maybe you have a line-up better than the Wii for this holiday? Seriously?

Starcraft 2 ID: Gnizmo 229

Also, it's a bit rich to try and play down The Conduit as some turd when this very site rates it an 8.3

PSN - hanafuda

LordTheNightKnight said:
"Sure, but plenty of average at best FPSs on the HD systems sell way more than 260K."

I'd actually like to see a list. And it had best take into account those that have been out far longer than The Conduit.

Right here.

I keed.

Alright, I'll do my best. I'm sure some will have qualms but I believe that these are average at best.


Turning Point - 280k
Red Faction - 590k
Dark Sector - 420k
Stranglehold - 320k
Mercenaries 2 - 970k
Army of Two - 1.48 million
Far Cry 2 - 1.44 million
Perfect Dark Zero - 1.29 million
007 - 960k
Brother's in Arms - 790k
Turok - 700k
Frontlines - 490k
Medal of Honor: Airborne - 460k
Timeshift - 330k
Kane & Lynch - 740k


Haze - 780k
Far Cry 2 - 1.02 million
007 - 740k
Kane & Lynch - 610k
Brother's In Arms - 630k
Turok - 490k
Call of Juarez - 320k
Army of Two - 860k
Mercenaries 2 - 640k
Red Faction - 380k
Dark Sector -  340k

Again, I'm sure some will disagree with a few, but this is what I think.

Also, of course, I didn't consider release dates, I just posted a list.

"We'll toss the dice however they fall,
And snuggle the girls be they short or tall,
Then follow young Mat whenever he calls,
To dance with Jak o' the Shadows."

Check out MyAnimeList and my Game Collection. Owner of the 5 millionth post.

its a blog post. on his personal blog. This is not a news article. Its his opinion in editorial form. I have no issue with what he wrote because its his personal opinion.

As to his question at the end, yes i do. i might consider re-buying one.

Still you people are taking this WAAAAAAAAAAAAYYYYYYYYYY to extreme for his personal opinion. Chill out.

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Official VGChartz Folding@Home Team #109453
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hanafuda said:
Quantum of Solace on PS3. 740K.

To list the first two I thought of....

Quantum has almost a year in the market, Conduit has 12 weeks. I guess a week to week comprassion'll be more accurate for this discussion (actually I found that the PS3 version of Quantum numbers and Conduit's are quite similar in the same time period)

"If your comment didn't mean mass appeal of the Wii user base, what the hell did it mean??"

Did you read my comment that mentioned the other systems? Clearly you didn't or else you would know I didn't mean the Wii's userbase somehow is the same as the mass market. It's just PART of the mass market.

A flashy-first game is awesome when it comes out. A great-first game is awesome forever.

Plus, just for the hell of it: Kelly Brook at the 2008 BAFTAs

Lurker said:
Those are pretty much mine and many others thoughts on the system. Everyone has loved Nintendo at some point and it's disappointing to see the direction they took.

I know, right?  Damn those Nintendoez for making money and instead of sticking to old standards, deciding expanding the market and ultimately creating a much larger userbase for video games on the whole.  They should instead have chosen lose 8 billion dollars feliating a declining userbase like Microsoft and Sony have.  That would have been the right thing to do!

Wii/PC/DS Lite/PSP-2000 owner, shameless Nintendo and AMD fanboy.

My comp, as shown to the right (click for fullsize pic)

CPU: AMD Phenom II X6 1090T @ 3.2 GHz
Video Card: XFX 1 GB Radeon HD 5870
Memory: 8 GB A-Data DDR3-1600
Motherboard: ASUS M4A89GTD Pro/USB3
Primary Storage: OCZ Vertex 120 GB
Case: Cooler Master HAF-932
OS: Windows 7 Ultimate x64
Extra Storage: WD Caviar Black 640 GB,
WD Caviar Black 750 GB, WD Caviar Black 1 TB
Display: Triple ASUS 25.5" 1920x1200 monitors
Sound: HT Omega Striker 7.1 sound card,
Logitech X-540 5.1 speakers
Input: Logitech G5 mouse,
Microsoft Comfort Curve 2000 keyboard
Wii Friend Code: 2772 8804 2626 5138 Steam: jefforange89

I am surprised about how the things changed about the PS3 & wii in these 2 years .


in 2007 :







and TODAY, People say "OMG THE WII IS DOOMED" and others say "WOW the PS3 slim is Dominating"......

Quantum of Solace lol.

Mediocre game sells a lot on PS2 - Nonissue

Mediocre game sells a lot on Wii - "NINTENDO IS RUINING THE INDUSTRY!!1"

Mediocre game sells a lot on PS360 - "Awesummm bettr than teh wii salezzzz"

Tag - "No trolling on my watch!"