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Gawd I hate Hibari~

"Life is but a gentle death. Fate is but a sickness that results in extinction and in the midst of all the uncertainty, lies resolve."

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@Soriku its a joke that happend when we were talking about how good the episode was so my friend Danielle said its because Studio Pierrot loves sasuke (she said something else here that i cant say) and since he looks like him thats why it looks so good

I can honestly say I started watching Reborn when it first aired, I can whole heartedly say that Amano has the biggest Hibari fetish EVAR! Good character, its just the cocky demeanor thats pisses me off, I think if Amano wants to pull off a character like him he should make him more like Hiei from Yu Yu Hakusho.

"Life is but a gentle death. Fate is but a sickness that results in extinction and in the midst of all the uncertainty, lies resolve."

i dont know than

what do you guys think of Shunsui Kyōraku Shikai abilities

SHMUPGurus said:

Bleach... Bleach...? Oh!

am i doinitrite?



Shunsui Kyōraku's Shikai?! ITS A WEIRD SHIKAI!

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Kamal said:
I can honestly say I started watching Reborn when it first aired, I can whole heartedly say that Amano has the biggest Hibari fetish EVAR! Good character, its just the cocky demeanor thats pisses me off, I think if Amano wants to pull off a character like him he should make him more like Hiei from Yu Yu Hakusho.

Hibari is way more badass then Hiei imo.

PSoriku said:
Kamal said:
I can honestly say I started watching Reborn when it first aired, I can whole heartedly say that Amano has the biggest Hibari fetish EVAR! Good character, its just the cocky demeanor thats pisses me off, I think if Amano wants to pull off a character like him he should make him more like Hiei from Yu Yu Hakusho.

His cockiness is what makes him so awesome though. And he almost never loses anyway. He only loses to Genkishi (but only the future Hibari. Present Hibari pretty much destroys the area and that was the end of that battle. He didn't win but he didn't lose either :P) and Reborn (and that arc isn't even canon when it comes to the manga).

Not to mention he has one of the best character designs I've ever seen. And he uses tonfas. No spears, no guns, no explosives, no swords. Just straight up tonfas. And he destroys everyone.

Present Hibari would have gotten killed by Genkishi if Gokudera didn't block those missles Genkishi sent at him though. So in a way he did lose. Hibari didn't exactly win against Bel either.

adds Katekyo Hitman Reborn! to the list of manga i have to look up

@Soriku do you now how far FMA brotherhood has gotten

i mean story wise

Soriku said:

Bel ran away like a pussy so that fight doesn't really count for much :P


So far it's on ep 24. I'm watching it now.

But Hibari could hardly move after his fight will Bel. Bel could have finished him off if he wanted to but he wanted to get a hold of the vongola rings first.