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Forums - Sony Discussion - The PS3 will NOT fall under 200k WW the rest of this generation

I'm going to add this prediction to TheProf00's GOlden Saucer

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Smeags said:
Wasn't Squilliam drunk when he made his "360 wont go under 200k for the rest of the year" thread back in January? (Didn't it last around 2 weeks? Pretty good for a drunken wager.)

It seems like you're pretty coherent thus far, so I'm wondering what drove you to this prediction good sir.

I was bored and wanted to make a thread with 100+ posts, almost there


In all honesty id be amazed if it can last till holiday 2010

i think yes because its have a good price now and many great games coming to it this year.

markers said:
Reasonable said:
Not even after 10 years in the marketplace?

I do not understand your question :o

I mean, surely when PS3 reaches 8 to 9 years in the market it's weekly sales will drop below 200K, unless OP defines 'this gen' until new consoles arrive.

Try to be reasonable... its easier than you think...

Reasonable said:
markers said:
Reasonable said:
Not even after 10 years in the marketplace?

I do not understand your question :o

I mean, surely when PS3 reaches 8 to 9 years in the market it's weekly sales will drop below 200K, unless OP defines 'this gen' until new consoles arrive.

Yeah once the next consoles respectively come out and are in stores this gen would be over. Atleast that is what I meant.

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kiefer23 said:
Give it 2 weeks.

I love nay-sayers.

Smashed said:
kiefer23 said:
Give it 2 weeks.

I love nay-sayers.

Indeed! So far the ones eating crow have been those like kiefer23

I was doubtful that PS3 can sustain 200K since the slim launch. Looks like it might make if it gets past next week. After that, there's the Uncharted 2 launch which will have a small rise in console and after that, the holiday sales takes off(looking at the charts historically, it seems to start around mid/late october).

It will after the holidays.




It looks like the America part of the prediction is the most problematic, and may sabotage the overall prediction.

These kind of formulations just set the OP up for failure, though.  If PS3 drops below 200k occasionally but is usually above, and is usually outselling 360, that's AWESOME for PS3/Sony yet looks like a failure because of how the prediction is formulated.