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Forums - Sony Discussion - The PS3 will NOT fall under 200k WW the rest of this generation

i would agree with that from now till xmas but to keep that up in the new year it would need a price cut

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Xenostar said:
i would agree with that from now till xmas but to keep that up in the new year it would need a price cut

Ah but I believe it can last throughout the year easily without a price cut. Software can and will push console sales from time to time, one title in particular I am anticipating will keep this prediction alive longer if it releases in March.

Great prediction the majority of doubters are eating crow in this thread who said within a week or two PS3 would fall under 200k.

200k every week for the rest of 2009 should be a lock in. 2010 and beyond staying above 200k every week - I do no not know.

PS3beats360 said:
Great prediction the majority of doubters are eating crow in this thread who said within a week or two PS3 would fall under 200k.

200k every week for the rest of 2009 should be a lock in. 2010 and beyond staying above 200k every week - I do no not know.

Yep so far so good, if it can last throughout 2010 id be amazed xD

Not even after 10 years in the marketplace?

Try to be reasonable... its easier than you think...

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If the console with the biggest buz can fall under 200k, why not the PS3?

It needed a big cut in price to begin the push over 200k, which means its demand was never that big.

In the wilderness we go alone with our new knowledge and strength.

Stefan.De.Machtige said:
If the console with the biggest buz can fall under 200k, why not the PS3?

It needed a big cut in price to begin the push over 200k, which means its demand was never that big.

Its huge increase in sales after the price cut and the looks at it stabilizing at around 200k+ seems to show demand was there, was just waiting for a lower price.

PS3 is well on its way to being another 100 million console seller for Sony. PS3 is in front of the PS1 in ltd sales.

Good to see the PS3 selling above 200k every week and getting the increased sales that it deserves. The games will sell a lot more on PS3 now on due to the growing install base.

Reasonable said:
Not even after 10 years in the marketplace?

I do not understand your question :o

Wasn't Squilliam drunk when he made his "360 wont go under 200k for the rest of the year" thread back in January? (Didn't it last around 2 weeks? Pretty good for a drunken wager.)

It seems like you're pretty coherent thus far, so I'm wondering what drove you to this prediction good sir.