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Forums - General Discussion - Mafia Round 5A - Game Thread

trashleg said:
Son1x is for this because he knows it will take at least one innocent out of the game. if he's innocent, why would he want to give the mafia that advantage? it makes no sense.

its after midnight, and i'm very tired. (first day of school tomorrow ) so i'll swing by before class and see what's going on. (hopefully not my execution)

night night everyone. even you, Son1x. x

I'm just sacrificing myself to catch another mafia since invisible seems to be unwilling to vote for you. 

"And yet, I've realized that maybe living a "decent" life means you won't ever have a "good" life."


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And with that, Son1x and trashleg were both taken away never to be seen again.

Night 4 begin



Son1x said:
trashleg said:
Son1x is for this because he knows it will take at least one innocent out of the game. if he's innocent, why would he want to give the mafia that advantage? it makes no sense.

its after midnight, and i'm very tired. (first day of school tomorrow ) so i'll swing by before class and see what's going on. (hopefully not my execution)

night night everyone. even you, Son1x. x

I'm just sacrificing myself to catch another mafia since invisible seems to be unwilling to vote for you. 

i'd rather just the mafia member was lynched though. the self-sacrifice is very noble, and i've already said that i've considered it, but i just think its a sneaky move, since it was you, who suggested it.

Final-Fan, are you SURE you're not gonna read through stuff again and change your mind?

but now i REALLY have to go sleep, as much as i dont want to back in 7-8 hours, lol XD

Highwaystar101 said: trashleg said that if I didn't pay back the money she leant me, she would come round and break my legs... That's why people call her trashleg, because she trashes the legs of the people she loan sharks money to.
invisible29 said:

Ok, but there is something you must promise me. If Trashleg is in the mafia. And I am killed in the middle of the night. You must vote to lynch Nen-Suer. Ok?

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*is tired* *goes to sleep*

Just kidding. Well, you'll see my role in the morning anyway ;)
I just hope I was right.

"And yet, I've realized that maybe living a "decent" life means you won't ever have a "good" life."


Son1x said:
Just kidding. Well, you'll see my role in the morning anyway ;)
I just hope I was right.

*holds Son1x's hand*

for the townspeople.. it must be done for the townspeople.. i love you guys

invisible, keep that chin up!

Highwaystar101 said: trashleg said that if I didn't pay back the money she leant me, she would come round and break my legs... That's why people call her trashleg, because she trashes the legs of the people she loan sharks money to.


Oh, it is nightime

I had some stuff I needed to say, but it can wait till the morning ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ