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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - The Secret World Might Be Microsoft's Killer App

hunter_alien said:
People seem to forget that FFXI released on the 360 years ago... its not the first 7th gen MMO game...


As for graphics can anyone name one sucscesful MMO with better graphics than this or an unsucscessful one for that matter? Think about the slowdown you get in highly populated areas. Unless the game is heavily instanced that makes this game pretty ambitious IMO. Personally I really like the art style and creature/charater models. Being a MMO and a console MMO at that I don't see it as a killer app.

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CGI is into girls that look like dudes.. confirmed.


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Ooops... sorry that last one looks like a beaver. This is better


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I love the CGI movies in this game:


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CGI-Quality said:

^^ Lol.....

Am I now....?

You were saying....?

I'm CGI brotha, I got the right ladies here wit me.......

That dude is pretty hot. Is that a dude dressing up as a girl?


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Edit-wrong topic

Looks very interesting, thanks for the info CGI, I will keep my eyes peeled for this one.

oops lol wrong thread.


OT-is this a MMO?



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pbroy said:

            I think I just shit myself laughing so hard......