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Forums - Gaming Discussion - PS3 Version Of FFXIII Downgraded Due To 360

One thing i dont understand why SE always said they want both ver to look identical. Why dont just downgrade X360 ver ? I dont think X360 owner will complain as they still get the game. It is not X360 fault but SE fault.

Jap voice is not really big deal but great to have. SE can include Jap voice in PS3 only. Blu Ray has lots of space.

Anyone who said X360 is the reason PS3 ver looks bad is Microsoft hater. Blame SE not X360. They are the ones want both ver looks same.

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@Trios, did Killzone 2 look better when it was running on the PC? NOOOOOO

TRios_Zen said:
Quoted from the page you linked:

"Us at UFFSite? We believe that the early shots were likely doctored, improved or running on the Crystal Tools engine on PC - we're likely now just seeing true screenshots of the game, which still look amazing."

Even they don't mention the 360 downgrading...why are you convinced it was the 360's fault?

exactly why i said the old PS3 pics were done on PC as a target that they couldnt make

@NSS7, u know microsoft was involved, how? no one knows. $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$

Alright, nice pics! Now prove to me that the first picture is:

1) Running on the PS3 and not the PC

2) Not touched up in any way

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The game I entered this gen for is being...downgraded?

*cuts self*

I paid $500 for this game and this game alone. This is how SE repays loyal PS fans? Fuck you, SE. I may not buy FF XIII after all if all of what has been claimed is true. Lack of free-roaming/side quests? Bullshit!

Ssliasil said:
I do believe i have won this argument today.

I beg to differ sir, but to each his own.  The shots you provided have NO proof that they were downgraded due to the 360, NOR that the original was running on the PS3.  You have assumed these things...which is fine, you can believe what you want to believe.

They are going to make a great game look less great because of an unfortunate choice made by square enix...

@cactus, can u prove it from ur side of the arguement?

TRios_Zen said:
Quoted from the page you linked:

"Us at UFFSite? We believe that the early shots were likely doctored, improved or running on the Crystal Tools engine on PC - we're likely now just seeing true screenshots of the game, which still look amazing."

Even they don't mention the 360 downgrading...why are you convinced it was the 360's fault?

Thats the sites opinion, not fact.  Square has NEVER doctored photos, not even with FFXII who's Cutscene textures Rival that of the Botom pic.

And we cant use the PC build crap excuse anymore because of the latest Cryengine 3 demo that showed the PS3 AND 360 running the "Demo" with the PC graphics.

yes it was only a 20 minute demo thinger and you could say THATS why both consoles were able to handle it...But you ahve to take in account the ammount of Storage Space and Storage Methods the Discs use...For a FULL game like Crysis it is Virtually IMPOSSIBLE for the 360 to have those graphics on any less than 6 Discs COMPRESSED, while the PS3 can do it in a Single Blu-Ray UNCOMPRESSED for full quality.

...uhh...ill just put my favorite quote of all time here.

"Welcome to Pain, the second of three...You have dealt the deal with me!!"