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Forums - Sony Discussion - PS3 YLOD Repair

Ha, not until I can get this one working completely correct.


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Nice Man hope you get you BR working as well!!!

*Al Bundy's My Hero*


*Al Bundy For President*

Waiting On GT7!!!

 PSN ID: Acidfacekiller

Very comprehensive step by step video instructions. If I ever manage to break another PS3, I'll be taking a crack at reflowing the solder joints myself.

Good luck, we stopped doing YLOD repairs where I work as even if you get them going fine then a few months down the line they die again. The only true fix is to reball the CPU and GPU, the problem is similar to RROD on the 360, although a lot less frequent due to the better board and cooling on the PS3. If nothing else, as long as the laser is fine then thats worth £40+.

greenmedic88 said:

Very comprehensive step by step video instructions. If I ever manage to break another PS3, I'll be taking a crack at reflowing the solder joints myself.

Yeah, that's the guide I used. Though I got it from a different site.

slowmo said:
Good luck, we stopped doing YLOD repairs where I work as even if you get them going fine then a few months down the line they die again. The only true fix is to reball the CPU and GPU, the problem is similar to RROD on the 360, although a lot less frequent due to the better board and cooling on the PS3. If nothing else, as long as the laser is fine then thats worth £40+.


 Yeah, some people on the thread I was reading seemed to have it fixed for several months. I'm going to look into some extra fans or something to help alleviate the problem since I'm not quite skilled enough that I want to try a reball.

Anyone have any thoughts or ideas as to why the system boots up but it can't play any demo games? Just goes to a black screen and doesn't play sound. I tried reformatting the drive and the person I got it from I trust didn't give me a bad drive or anything, but I don't have a drive currently to try swapping out with. I also tried a system restore and turning off the internet connevtion as some sites suggested .


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just curious about one thing, if I don't have a heat gun could a hair dryer do the trick????


Well, the trouble I hear with a hair dryer is that it probably wont get up to a high enough temperature easily (about 350C according to the guide) and even if it was getting really hot, they usually have fairly strong fans and you could risk blowing off some smaller components. I believe one person in the thread claimed to have tried a hair dryer. I don't remember if they had success.


Hair dryers do not work to reflow as they cannot get high enough temperatures. People that have success with hair dryer fixes on PS3 and 360's tend to be because they've managed to warp the board slightly by applying the heat which changes the connectivity of the CPU and GPU to the board. As DeltaXIII says, you could also risk blowing surface mounted components off as the solder for them would require less heat to reflow as it's in direct flow of the hot air.

In fact despite hot air gun fixes being touted as a reflow method I'm not convinced that it does much more than reprofile the motherboard without having heat applied from underneath at the same time.  When I looked into reballing for 360's I also found that solder that is aged by constant heat cycles like the GPU and CPU have their melting point increase too, this means on a lead free solder BGA chip you're looking at trying to get in excess of 250 degrees C just to melt the solder and then not damage the chip (a figure I heard quoted was melting point could be as high as 400).

I use a hot air gun fix for the 360 repairs I do might I add because it's a cheap solution that extends the life of the product. 

okay. thank you.


So I haven't found that much about games not loading other than "send it in to Sony" which I don't want to do or wait for a firmware update, which I might do.