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Forums - Sales Discussion - The 7th gen timeline of gaming company closings, mergers and layoffs

You're missing some, too. What about 3DRealms?

"Man is born free but is everywhere in chains" - Rousseau

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Actually THQ has the UFC and WWE license in America, so they are bringing in some revenue.

You should make a list with only the closings and mergers. Also, didn't know that GRIN closed... they made some good stuff.

On a side note... most of these developers are having financial problems because their games are awful.

Munkeh111 said:
It has had a major impact, but how many great games has it really affected? Things like Heavy Rain and The Last Guardian would probably be the type of games that would suffer, as they are not likely to be profitable, but they are backed by Sony

How many really great games have we lost. The only dev I am sad to lose is one you have forgotten about, which is Free Radical Design, they cut about 70% of their staff, and Star Wars Battlefront III was cancelled and TimeSplitters 4 was delayed at the least

They rehired much of their workforce after the merger with Crytek. Trust me, they are fine!


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Squilliam said:
Munkeh111 said:
It has had a major impact, but how many great games has it really affected? Things like Heavy Rain and The Last Guardian would probably be the type of games that would suffer, as they are not likely to be profitable, but they are backed by Sony

How many really great games have we lost. The only dev I am sad to lose is one you have forgotten about, which is Free Radical Design, they cut about 70% of their staff, and Star Wars Battlefront III was cancelled and TimeSplitters 4 was delayed at the least

They rehired much of their workforce after the merger with Crytek. Trust me, they are fine!

Good. But still no console Star Wars Battlefront III

You forgot Free Radical :(

Hey, survival of the fittest.

Oh, why did I come into this thread?! I wish FR hadn't gone under; that Battlefront III footage looked incredible! I'm still mad at LucasArts for that one. And I'd better get a Battlefront III or... I'll continue being mad! Grrrrr!!!

Munkeh111 said:
Squilliam said:

They rehired much of their workforce after the merger with Crytek. Trust me, they are fine!

Good. But still no console Star Wars Battlefront III

But look on the bright side, maybe you'll get Timesplitters on Cry Engine 3!
