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Snake612 said:
tastyshovelware said:
Snake612 said:
tastyshovelware said:
Snake612 said:
Triple H should just retire. When HBK retired it was sort of sad but it was a good thing because this gives new superstars a better chance to become main eventers. I hope this rivalry between Sheamus and Triple H helps put Sheamus place in the WWE as a huge star in the end. Triple H should retire at Wrestlemania 27 along with the Undertaker. Its time to get rid of the attitude era wrestlers. I think the wrestlers that should retire in the next two years are Edge,Jericho,Kane,Taker,Batista,and HHH.

The fact that Cena is in his ninth world title reign, it really shows that his career as reached its peak and that his time will soon be over.

Wow, that's a bit much. I mean, I'm all about watching new talent and not having old talent over stay their welcome but you have to be realistic. The mix of old and in is great. And you look at the wwe and the kind of talent they tend to bring in and that's the main issue. They reason why the old attitude era superstars ARE so ahead of everyone else is cause they weren't "home grown." They were guys who wrestled in wcw, ecw, nwa, smokey mountain, new japan, etc. They honed their skills over the course of years and when they made the jump to wwe, they were ready. Even today, that's the difference between say CM punk and david Otunga. Otunga is awful. Can't work his way of out a paper bag. Punk is fantastic. Why? Cause Punk did it for years elsewhere before coming the WWE. Otunga is nothing more then a "look." 

And the fact of the matter is, a lot of those older talent are still great. Get rid of Jericho? Are you nuts? Still top 5 in terms of ability to put together a match with anyone and skills on the mic. Plus, who puts over talent more then Jericho? He even jobbed to JTG!

Plus, you get rid of the attitude era, that means you drop Rey Mysterio who is only behind maybe Cena is terms of popularity with kids. Plus no more Big Show. No more Christian. William Regal. Finlay. Even Golddust can still put together a solid match. Sure losing Mark Henry and Matt Hardy wouldn't be so bad but that's about it. 

And with all those guys gone, how many truly notable guys do you have left? Kofi, Punk, the Miz, Ortan.... that's about it. Down the line hopefully Dibiase will come together into something special. 

Shelton can't talk. MVP can't put together anything better then an average match. Swagger has a lisp. Sheamus is dull. The Hart Dynasty don't have a good talker in the bunch. Gallows is ho-hum. Mcintyre is near dreadful. R-Truth is a gimmick (and not so young anymore). And Morrison can't cut a good promo.

So yeah, you need those big names. 




The Knockouts match on impact was bullshit. I hate when TNA punishes people for winning matches. Like feast or fired: You Win.... But you're fired. So retarded. 

I don't really blame the attitude era wrestlers, I kind of blame the new superstars for not stepping up and taking this company over. I agree with you on Otunga being terrible and I hope he doesn't win NXT. Jericho without a doubt, a great wrestler but for how long will he be ths good? I don't want to see a great wrestler like him struggling to put on a match years from now. Thunk about it, Jericho has been in the WWE since 1999 and he's been wrestling since 1990 which makes this his 20th year in the business. Taker has been wrestling for 26 years. Edge has been wrestling since 1998 in the WWE. All I'm saying is I don't want these great wrestlers jobbing to new wrestlers who will never have good careers like they did.

As for TNA, at the rate its going, I don't see this company being around in the next 5 years.

I feel you on the wrestlers staying too long issue. I would certainly like to see more guys get out of the ring at shawn's age then flare's. The catch 20-20 is if they all leave soon, there isn't much left. I would love to see a few more ROH guys make the switch. Chris Hero would be great. Same with Kevin Steen. And Kenny King might turn into what they were hoping Shelton would be.

Kofi needs to fully drop the jamaican thing. I know he's from "south africa" now but same music, boom boom, etc. MVP needs a full switch too but I don't think there's much time left for him.

Here's my idea. I think for Shelton Benjamin to go to main event status, they should make him undefeated for a couple of weeks, maybe a month or two. During this time, Smackdown should give him a series of good promos where he proclaims himself as "The Gold Standard." AFter that he should engage in a rivalry with Jack Swagger leading to a series of matches for the World Title, in which Shelton Benjamin wins. All they have to do is help him on his mic skills and have good promos, probably have a good catchphrase and he'll be good to go. A match between Swagger and Shelton would be great! They are both great wrestlers and would put on a hell of a match.

As for Kofi Kingston, he needs to win more matches, drop the Jamacian gimmick and become a full fledge heel. As always had the idea of MVP,Kingston,R-Truth,Benjamin,and Shad becoming a heel stable that is similar to the Nation of Domination and they would capture titles.

For example, Shelton would be the leader of the group and he would be the world heavyweight champion

Kofi and R-Truth would be tag team champs

Shad would be the intercontinental champion

and MVP would be the US champion.

That would be a dominant group!

LOL! I have some good ideas. I should be a creative writer for the WWE.

I kinda agree with you on this. I think WWE needs more color, I'm Hispanic and would love to see more minorities win belts and have more camera time.


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WTF, NXT? That was the worst shit I've ever seen. A one hour show and I have to sit through 30 minutes of horrible "promos"? I'm the only one in the room and I'm still embarrassed.

amp316 said:
So both Edge and Jericho were screwed so Cena could get a title shot? Way to go WWE. A Swagger and Cena feud would be much more exciting than one with Jericho and Edge. *shakes head*

TNA had the better show on Monday but that compny has some serious issues. I bet if they concentrated on making an awesome two hour wrestling show (one that's just wrestling) and dropped some of Vince Russo's storylines then I bet that the ratings would increase. Don't get me wrong, he worked wonders with WWF and you can see certain things that he's done right, see the Pope, but someone needs to tell him that things like having people lose belts without actually losing is garbage and that they really need to end that Abyssamania crap right now. Also Team Hogan vs. Team Flair is extremely weak. Let wrestlers like Desmond Wolfe develop without having to be involved in a group.

I kinda lile Ayssamania, if only because Abyss was lame before Hogan got there.  His character really took a turn for a worse.  At least he's kind of entertaining now... and kinda protrays him as "Lethal when he focuses."  I can't imagine he'll be "abysamania" for too much longer.

I guess a Fatal Four Way for the World Heavyweight Championship title wouldn't be that bad. Two heels and two babyfaces will also balance things out.

Hm..............I think Wade or Bryan should win NXT. I like Otunga but I get the feeling he is only there because of his engagement with Hudson.

Well, I'm interested in what's going to happen on Smackdown since Orton is now the number one contender. I was expecting Edge and Jericho to continue feuding into Extreme Rules, predicted a "Chairs" match. Yea.....they actually have a match named that now if anyone didn't know.

I'm expecting Cm Punk to lose to Rey at Extreme Rules and shave off his "purified" hair.

Sheamus might actually beat Triple H this time in that Street least I'm hoping.

I think WWE is going to have Batista defeat Cena in the Last Man Standing.................somehow like Edge did last year, immediately after Wrestlemania he won the title back with a cheap tactic in the very same match.

Even though Hart Dynasty lost the opportunity to face Shomiz for the Unified Tag Team Championships, I believe that will face them anyway at Extreme Rules for those titles........just not sure how.


                      "The Common Cold Isn't So Common During The Cold"     

Imphamis said:
I guess a Fatal Four Way for the World Heavyweight Championship title wouldn't be that bad. Two heels and two babyfaces will also balance things out.

Hm..............I think Wade or Bryan should win NXT. I like Otunga but I get the feeling he is only there because of his engagement with Hudson.

Well, I'm interested in what's going to happen on Smackdown since Orton is now the number one contender. I was expecting Edge and Jericho to continue feuding into Extreme Rules, predicted a "Chairs" match. Yea.....they actually have a match named that now if anyone didn't know.

I'm expecting Cm Punk to lose to Rey at Extreme Rules and shave off his "purified" hair.

Sheamus might actually beat Triple H this time in that Street least I'm hoping.

I think WWE is going to have Batista defeat Cena in the Last Man Standing.................somehow like Edge did last year, immediately after Wrestlemania he won the title back with a cheap tactic in the very same match.

Even though Hart Dynasty lost the opportunity to face Shomiz for the Unified Tag Team Championships, I believe that will face them anyway at Extreme Rules for those titles........just not sure how.

Probably another guest host. I mean if hasslehoff can somehow make a PPV match, so could any other guest host. Probably next week, right when Hart is about to have to say Shomiz is the best... BAM guest host Dues Ex Machina.

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I hope The Rock is the final guest host. It needs to end now IMO.


                      "The Common Cold Isn't So Common During The Cold"     

Also, as far as Edge and Jericho...

The next Pay Per view is Fatal Fourway right?

God i hope not ALL of the matches are fatal fourways... good luck finding enough 4 enemy angles.

I'm sure half of the Fatal Four Way matches will be random Superstars thrown in.


                      "The Common Cold Isn't So Common During The Cold"     

tastyshovelware said:
amp316 said:
So both Edge and Jericho were screwed so Cena could get a title shot? Way to go WWE. A Swagger and Cena feud would be much more exciting than one with Jericho and Edge. *shakes head*

TNA had the better show on Monday but that compny has some serious issues. I bet if they concentrated on making an awesome two hour wrestling show (one that's just wrestling) and dropped some of Vince Russo's storylines then I bet that the ratings would increase. Don't get me wrong, he worked wonders with WWF and you can see certain things that he's done right, see the Pope, but someone needs to tell him that things like having people lose belts without actually losing is garbage and that they really need to end that Abyssamania crap right now. Also Team Hogan vs. Team Flair is extremely weak. Let wrestlers like Desmond Wolfe develop without having to be involved in a group.

I believe you mean a Swagger/Ortan feud. 

No need to get all bent out of shape. Anyone who thinks Jericho/Edge just became midcarders and are out of the title picture for no reason are grasping at straws. They're fine, they're just being given a chance to do their own thing a little longer. Plus right now the WWE is doing a lot of cross brand match making which is what they do after Mania every year before the draft. Ortan/Swagger will prob be a one off ppv and Swagger will go back to Smackdown with the title. 

Yes.  I meant Swagger and Orton.  LOL  You see, I have nightmares about Cena being involved in every WWE match.  So much, that I type his name without even knowing it. 

I understand that WWE is having the draft and that they'll switch things up on the shows but Jericho, in particular, has been screwed over on a few occasions.  It's almost as if he only gets the belt as a transitional champion and never really gets a long title run.  It just upsets me that Swagger got the belt from him without even having to face him again.  But alas, maybe Edge and Jericho will be part of a Fatal Fourway match.

One more thing.  I don't care at all about Swagger's lisp.  Dusty Rhodes had a much worse one and that never bothered anybody.  Heck.  He went on to become an announcer for a while. 

Proud member of the SONIC SUPPORT SQUAD

Tag "Sorry man. Someone pissed in my Wheaties."

"There are like ten games a year that sell over a million units."  High Voltage CEO -  Eric Nofsinger

Kasz216 said:
amp316 said:
So both Edge and Jericho were screwed so Cena could get a title shot? Way to go WWE. A Swagger and Cena feud would be much more exciting than one with Jericho and Edge. *shakes head*

TNA had the better show on Monday but that compny has some serious issues. I bet if they concentrated on making an awesome two hour wrestling show (one that's just wrestling) and dropped some of Vince Russo's storylines then I bet that the ratings would increase. Don't get me wrong, he worked wonders with WWF and you can see certain things that he's done right, see the Pope, but someone needs to tell him that things like having people lose belts without actually losing is garbage and that they really need to end that Abyssamania crap right now. Also Team Hogan vs. Team Flair is extremely weak. Let wrestlers like Desmond Wolfe develop without having to be involved in a group.

I kinda lile Ayssamania, if only because Abyss was lame before Hogan got there.  His character really took a turn for a worse.  At least he's kind of entertaining now... and kinda protrays him as "Lethal when he focuses."  I can't imagine he'll be "abysamania" for too much longer.


IMO they really need to drop the entire wannabe Mankind thing that he has going on.  The first time that people see him they look at him as a ripoff.  He's a pretty good wrestler for a big man, but they use him in all the wrong ways.   

Proud member of the SONIC SUPPORT SQUAD

Tag "Sorry man. Someone pissed in my Wheaties."

"There are like ten games a year that sell over a million units."  High Voltage CEO -  Eric Nofsinger