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HHH is just there because of Vince, he needs to go away and let the next generation take over.


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d21lewis said:
Kasz216 said:
BoneArk said:
Does anyone else here think that HHH should retire? I tired of seeing him and he's boring to watch sometimes.

I was sick of triple H the last time I stopped watching wrestling... and that was quite some time ago.

I don't mind him so much now that he's finally out of the championship run for a bit.

I think HHH need to go heel.  Everyone knows that he's married to the boss's daughter and that he has a hand in booking matches.  They should take it to the next level and let him just go crazy.  He can be like Vince McMahon except for the fact that HHH can still put on a good match (I guess).  Triple H as a face has never really worked, for me.


This isn't something I would have said even a year ago, but I think HHH is great. And that's coming from someone who was sick of him back in 2001. I agree, he doesn't put over young talent as much as he should but it's not like he's hogan who never did anything for anyone. And whenever he does put someone over, you know it's a big deal. He's still a great talent with a few more years left. Though yes, he should turn heel.

And if he does go heel, he shouldn't become a cowardly heel like he was when he was facing Scott Steiner (such wasted potential) or how Austin became a wuss when he faced Kurt Angle. He should remain "The Game" that made me become a fan when he retired Mick Foley in Hell in a Cell or kicked Austin's ass in that epic 2 out of 3 falls match (Street Fight/Regular Match/Hell in a Cell).

I have despised Triple H more than ever since he buried Orton's first World Heavyweight title reign. Nowadays he is a dull piece of overrated crap. He has been babyface for awhile now, so you can expect a heel Triple H again pretty soon. He might actually become bearable to watch again then.................I'm also pissed how he didn't put over Sheamus at Wrestlemania.


                      "The Common Cold Isn't So Common During The Cold"     

Also by the way.... what the hell was the point of Randy Orton beating Jack Swagger as he was leaving raw? It just makes Smackdown look crappy and doesn't help Orton at all... cause he doesn't need it. Maybe it's supposed to push the "Hey i'm a good guy now" or maybe Swagger is going to hold the championship until Orton gets drafted to smackdown, but it was a goofy move.

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Kasz216 said:
Also by the way.... what the hell was the point of Randy Orton beating Jack Swagger as he was leaving raw? It just makes Smackdown look crappy and doesn't help Orton at all... cause he doesn't need it. Maybe it's supposed to push the "Hey i'm a good guy now" or maybe Swagger is going to hold the championship until Orton gets drafted to smackdown, but it was a goofy move.

I agree.  It reminds me of when CMPunk had the belt and he was losing to people left and right.  It made it really hard to accept him as the champion of the world.  Swagger has the talent and the size (he has that annoying lisp, though).  He should have either beaten Orton or the match should have gone to a "no decision".

I fas-tforwarded through RAW so I didn't know it was a non-title match.  When I saw Swagger get pinned FOUR DAYS after winning the belt, I though, "Oh, this is some bull-shit!.  What was the point of winning MitB and winning the belt?"  WWE is either testing Swagger to see if he can follow order, giving Orton an unnecessary push, or losing their friggin' minds.  I hope they know what they're doing, though.  I like Jack Swagger.

Yeah, as I've said before, I didn't mind Trips beating Sheamus at Mania. Everyone has to remember, he's only been on the wwe roster what, 7 months? Most guys would kill to get a main event main in their first 3 years if not career. Also, the feud is still going. I really don't think it's a big deal.

I think Swagger not going over on Ortan was worse. Because not only did he not only go over on Ortan, he couldn't get a cheap win over Cena the week before. Also, he backed down from a title match with Cena where he didn't have to put his own title on the line!?

Also, yes the lisp is still there but since he's doing the heel 'slow speak' thing, it's been less apparent.

Triple H should just retire. When HBK retired it was sort of sad but it was a good thing because this gives new superstars a better chance to become main eventers. I hope this rivalry between Sheamus and Triple H helps put Sheamus place in the WWE as a huge star in the end. Triple H should retire at Wrestlemania 27 along with the Undertaker. Its time to get rid of the attitude era wrestlers. I think the wrestlers that should retire in the next two years are Edge,Jericho,Kane,Taker,Batista,and HHH.

The fact that Cena is in his ninth world title reign, it really shows that his career as reached its peak and that his time will soon be over.


Triple H really should retire. He had a decent run as a heel but let's face it, he never was that great in the ring and he's gotten even slower and stiffer over the years.

Scott Steiner put it the best in an interview once when he said that one day Hunter was losing in a pigslop match to one of the Godwinns and then as soon as he started going out with Stephanie, he was the baddest man on the planet.

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                      "The Common Cold Isn't So Common During The Cold"