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Forums - Sports Discussion - The Official Pro Wrestling Thread

tastyshovelware said:

So, as much as HHH is in with the major players, it's not like he's never put anyone over.


But I don't think it's really the fact that he wins that pisses most people off, it's how he wins (or loses).

Whenever Triple H wins a match, the other guy usually ends up looking like shit (Booker T at Mania 19, Jericho just about always, Goldberg at the EC etc.), and incidentally, when he loses the other guy still ends up looking like shit (ie. Orton), with the exceptions of guys like Austin and Undertaker. Triple H seems to be great at putting himself over, but isn't really good at doing the same to others unless he really goes out of his way to do it, like in Batistas case.

I don't know whether he's doing this intentionally or not (Nash and HBK DID do it, and they all hung out in the same circles), but it's been bugging me for a while.

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Around the Network

What's HBK's record at Wrestlemania? He always puts on a hell of a show but I remember a LOT of loses.

d21lewis said:
What's HBK's record at Wrestlemania? He always puts on a hell of a show but I remember a LOT of loses.

6 and 11.

Good thing wrestling legends aren't built on W/L percentages.

Heck... Ted Dibiase is one of the top heels ever and he never even won the big one.

Aw man. They pulled the million dollar belt out of storage. Awesome.

Kasz216 said:

Aw man. They pulled the million dollar belt out of storage. Awesome.

I fell asleep during the first commercial break but if the belt is back, then yes.  Awesome!

Around the Network

I think Legacy is finally done with Ted having a singles storyline with the million dollar belt.


                      "The Common Cold Isn't So Common During The Cold"     

Imphamis said:
I think Legacy is finally done with Ted having a singles storyline with the million dollar belt.

It makes you wonder though why Cody is out with a concussion... or maybe he just really has one?

I hope he actually keeps the fake belt for a while... it's a shame his brother is both in the minors and in a tag team.  The brothers Dibiase fighting for the Million Dollar Belt just writes itself... espiecally if it's his half brother.  I can't remember if one of them had the different mother or if it was the third brother.  I thought it was Ted.

Does anyone else here think that HHH should retire? I tired of seeing him and he's boring to watch sometimes.


BoneArk said:
Does anyone else here think that HHH should retire? I tired of seeing him and he's boring to watch sometimes.

I was sick of triple H the last time I stopped watching wrestling... and that was quite some time ago.

I don't mind him so much now that he's finally out of the championship run for a bit.

Kasz216 said:
BoneArk said:
Does anyone else here think that HHH should retire? I tired of seeing him and he's boring to watch sometimes.

I was sick of triple H the last time I stopped watching wrestling... and that was quite some time ago.

I don't mind him so much now that he's finally out of the championship run for a bit.

I think HHH need to go heel.  Everyone knows that he's married to the boss's daughter and that he has a hand in booking matches.  They should take it to the next level and let him just go crazy.  He can be like Vince McMahon except for the fact that HHH can still put on a good match (I guess).  Triple H as a face has never really worked, for me.