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d21lewis said:
Mania is tonight. Here's my predictions:

Cena vs. Batista: winner John Cena
Chris Jericho vs. Edge: winner Chris Jericho
Shawn Michaeld vs. The Undertaker: winner (I hope it's Shawn Michaels but...) the Undertaker
Money in the Bank: I REALLY hope it's Shelton Benjamin
Bret Hart vs. Vince: winner Bret Hart (match is going to suck, though)
Sho Miz vs John Morrison and R-Truth: Sho Miz
Triple H vs. Sheamus: winner Sheamus
Legacy Triple Threat: winner Ted Dibiase
Rey Mysterio vs. CM Punk: winner Rey Mysterio (tough choice, though)
10 Diva tag match: Who gives a shit? But Beth Phoenix's team will win.


I'll guess Cena,





Jo-Truth even though it makes no sense to set up Morrison turning on R-Truth



Mysterio... straight edge Mysterio would probably require him dropping the match which would be bad.

Divas... why not Beth.

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I wouldn't put it past vince to screw brett again without his knowledge though.

Cena vs. Batista: winner John Cena
Chris Jericho vs. Edge: winner edge, christian cashes in money in the bank
Shawn Michaeld vs. The Undertaker: winner (I hope it's Shawn Michaels but...) the Undertaker
Money in the Bank: christian
Bret Hart vs. Vince: winner Bret Hart (match is going to suck, though)
Sho Miz vs John Morrison and R-Truth: Sho Miz
Triple H vs. Sheamus: HHH
Legacy Triple Threat: winner ortan
Rey Mysterio vs. CM Punk: winner Rey Mysterio
10 Diva tag match: Who gives a shit? But Beth Phoenix's team will win.

I missed Mania last night (had to work) but I'm sorta glad I didn't spend $50 on it. From what the online review community is saying, it wasn't as good as it should have been. I'll see it eventually, though. Anyway, why the WWE refused to put Sheamus over HHH is beyond me. They could have made this guy respectable but instead, they buried him. The same goes for Ted Dibiase and Cody Rhodes. These two guys needed that win to advance their careers. Instead, they give it to Orton.

Aside from that, most of the night played out the way I expected.

Yea I am kind of glad my order got missed up and did not work saved me some money. Th eonly match I cared about seems to have been the worst one Bret Hart Vs. Vince. I am glad I did not see this now. Shawn vs Taker was probably a good match but again I seen it last year, so no big lose

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d21lewis said:
I missed Mania last night (had to work) but I'm sorta glad I didn't spend $50 on it. From what the online review community is saying, it wasn't as good as it should have been. I'll see it eventually, though. Anyway, why the WWE refused to put Sheamus over HHH is beyond me. They could have made this guy respectable but instead, they buried him. The same goes for Ted Dibiase and Cody Rhodes. These two guys needed that win to advance their careers. Instead, they give it to Orton.

Aside from that, most of the night played out the way I expected.

Orton was understandable after they made it clear they were turning him face.  I thought for sure one of the Legacy rank was going to turn and help randy until last week.  I think Rhodes and Dibiase will feud now with Rhodes oddly being the one to go face.

Sheamus... yeah i don't get that.  Guess trips is still just a bit too selfish.

I only watched the second half of Wrestlemania, and it was okay. The matches I saw were Edge vs. Jericho, the diva tag match (can't believe this match came after Edge vs. Jericho), Cena vs. Batista and Shawn Michaels vs. The Undertaker (closure).

Edge vs. Jericho was a good match, but one thing that sort of ruined it for me was the crowd. They were dead silent for pretty much the entire match.

Diva tag match = waste of time. If there's one thing noting, it's Vickie Guerrero doing the frog splash or as many people called it last night, the hog splash. Ahahaha, it was the worst frog splash I've ever seen.

Cena vs. Batista was a snoozefest. Once again, the crowd booed Cena and started 'Cena sucks' chants.

Undertaker vs. Michaels was very thrilling to watch. Their match last year was much better, but this one was more exciting to watch due to the stipulation (career vs. streak). I was on the edge of my seat during the last few minutes of the match. Both put on a good show.

Impact's rating for last night is in: 0.56

Pretty terrible. I was expecting a drop, but not this much. Their ratings have gone down ever since they made the move to Monday Nights. Impact will air from 8-10 next. Should be interesting on what they get.

It's a shame that Impact's ratings are so low. "Wrestling fans" only have themselves to blame though. More of them continue to tune into the show that hasn't even had a main event the last two weeks. It's been two weeks and not longer, right?

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amp316 said:
It's a shame that Impact's ratings are so low. "Wrestling fans" only have themselves to blame though. More of them continue to tune into the show that hasn't even had a main event the last two weeks. It's been two weeks and not longer, right?

That couldn't be more far off. TNA only has themselves to blame. What has everyone said all along? The #1 time you don't want to go head to head with WWE is the weeks leading up to Mania and the first week following Mania. What has everyone said about the time? 8-10 would be better then 9-11. TNA went against the grain and now they're paying for it.

RAW on monday was really strong. Of course there was the diva and guest host filler but everything else was really strong. The Shawn farewell speech was pitch perfect. Must watch stuff for any wrestling fan.

As for HHH winning at Mania, it's fine, the feud will go on. WWE is obviously behind Sheamus, I wouldn't worry about it.