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Smackdown overall was amazing for me. The return of the Highlight Reel and it's segment had me marking out too. Jericho finally got the upper hand on Edge, countering his spear with the World Title itself. The words they exchanged were just intense.


                      "The Common Cold Isn't So Common During The Cold"     

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Smackdown was good, but aside from the rey/punk angle, the undertaker making the only two straight up tag teams the wwe has look like crap, and the highlight reel, it was.... just smackdown. It rarely felt like wrestlmania was only 2 and a half weeks away. I'm really excited for jericho vs edge but so far it just feels like another ppv build up. Not nearly as strong or personal as undertaker/michaels, cena/batista, or rey/punk.

So basically a good show, but not a wrestlmania good show.

The build-up for Mania will get a lot better this week. The problem they have this year is they don't have a gimmick rivalry like the one with Jericho and Rourke this year. I think it s better this way. So far there 8 matches set up. I can't believe there are going to be 10 people in the MITB match this year. It should be 8. In my opinion, I think they should take Kane and Matt Hardy out of the match. The match would be really good if they had high flyers like RVD and Jeff hardy in the match. Well, it doesn't matter though because they have Bourne,Kingston, Christian and Shelton in the match,so they will make it look good.


I'm watching Wrestlemania 2000 right now. One of the best Wrestlemania's of all time. I just finish watching the ladder match for the tag team titles. The tag team division will never be as big as it was during the Attitude Era.


Stone Cold is guest hosting tonight. Expect WWE RAW to win this week compare to Impact.


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TNA is going to lose for the whole year, but I wonder if Stone Cold hosting will greatly affect Impact's rating.

His hosting is going good so far. I'm watching Raw online right now. In a couple of years TNA will be really competing with RAW. They just need to host Impact in different venues instead of staying in Florida.


Mirson said:
TNA is going to lose for the whole year, but I wonder if Stone Cold hosting will greatly affect Impact's rating.

Probably not, since there isn't that much to affect.

It'll definitely do more to boost RAWs ratings than slash Impacts, that's for sure.

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You know... I know I'm going to come off as a buzz kill.

However, I NEVER liked Stone Cold Steve Austin. As his popularity grew it felt like his in ring skills collapsed... and I never really was too big a fan of Face's who were basically heels with the only real difference being they target heels instead of faces.

^^^Wrestlemania 17.

Anyhoo, I got home from work this morning and learned that somebody stopped the DVR from recording RAW. I got TNA but that's it. Somebody changed the channel!! I am so hurt inside. Please, tell me that RAW sucked to ease my troubled mind or send me a link to where I can watch it online. PLEASE!!