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So whats everyone's plans?

I don't have a DVR because I refuse to pay a monthly fee for a digital VCR... but if I watch either... i'm probably going TNA honestly.

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this week it may be tna only for me. but raw shows up on youtube so that's fine.

TNA for me, but the weekly hosts thing is supposed to end soon, so I may start watching the first hour of Raw pretty soon.

TNA for me. Want to see what surprises TNA has in store for us. I can watch Raw on Wednesday.

As for next week, I'll tune in to whichever one had the best show.

Yeah it's a good move for tna and everything but seriously, why 9-11 and why 3 weeks before mania. On the Jan 4 ep, it got its best ratings for the 8-10 hours. I hope it doesn't get crushed tonight.

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TNA seems like it's already a lost cause. It hasn't been three months since Hogan and Bischoff took over and my interest is just about dead.

I'll probably just order Wrestlemania, as always - the only thing keeping me following WWE is Bret Hart, and he's gone after 'Mania. The 'Mania card itself looks pretty damn good, though.

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I finally received my Brown Bag special from TNA today [4 random DVDs and a shirt for $20] after 3 weeks of ordering it . So here are my initial impressions:

First of all, I was expecting the brown bag to be...well you know a paper bag, but it isn't. It's actually one of those drawstring bags with the TNA logo with the words brown bag and Don West's signature below it. I thought it was pretty neat.

The DVDs I got:
1) Best of Christian Cage: I'm a big Christian fan, so I'm happy this one made it into my bag.
2) World X Cup 2008: Like the World X Cup tournaments, so this one should be fun to watch.
3) Turning Point 2006: The card for this PPV looks nice with the exception of the bikini match between Traci and Eric Young. The only match I saw from this PPV was the main event: Samoa Joe vs. Kurt Angle
4) Second 2 None: World's Toughest Tag Teams 2-disc set: I'm surprised they included this one in my special. The matches on the DVDs look great.

As for the shirt, it was a black Main Event Mafia t-shirt. Overall, I'm quite pleased with what I got even though I haven't seen the DVDs yet. I'll post some impressions/reviews on the DVDs.

This should be a nice idea. Posting reviews/recommendations of DVDs you own.

I might watch Impact.............just out of curiosity of their "first 5 minutes". By that time, I'll probably be back on Raw if it does not interest me.


                      "The Common Cold Isn't So Common During The Cold"     

DVR for me. But I'm going to watch RAW live and TNA later.

TNA Impact wont be competition for the WWE right away. Its going to take a long time.