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Well so far, Edge has been unstoppable since returning. No one has quite defeated him yet. Especially if they keep getting SPEAR! SPEAR! SPEAR!


                      "The Common Cold Isn't So Common During The Cold"     

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Edge has been doing the Spear for probably a decade but, in my opinion, he does it worse that anybody. Rhino, Goldberg, Lashley, even the Big Show did it and made it look ruthless.

Goldberg's Spears always seemed oversold to me. I mean the wrestler himself is overrated and complete crap, IMO. Big Show? He should NEVER use the spear, it just looks awkward. Lashley does a decent job....but Rhino out of all of them actually knows how to do it, even better than Edge. But lately......Edge's Spears have been looking more dominant. His spear on the Miz, and even on the Big Show. I thought they sold it well, maybe it's Jericho.


                      "The Common Cold Isn't So Common During The Cold"     

Imphamis said:
Goldberg's Spears always seemed oversold to me. I mean the wrestler himself is overrated and complete crap, IMO. Big Show? He should NEVER use the spear, it just looks awkward. Lashley does a decent job....but Rhino out of all of them actually knows how to do it, even better than Edge. But lately......Edge's Spears have been looking more dominant. His spear on the Miz, and even on the Big Show. I thought they sold it well, maybe it's Jericho.

While I do agree that Spear is one of those moves whose effectiveness is mostly based on the guy who takes it, I can't really absolve the user either.

Edges Spear looks like a double-leg takedown. Goldbergs Spear looks like he'll split your fucking torso, like Gore does as well.

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Spear fans, enjoy!  Plus there are several higher quality Spear videos on youtube.  This was just my favorite compilation.

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I would really like to see a Edge and Christian reunion


Ah, gotta love the Gore from Rhino.


                      "The Common Cold Isn't So Common During The Cold"     

Now the wait for March 8th begins, the start of another Monday Night Wars. I also would like to see E&C reunion, or at least partners in a tag match. Since Edge is now face, it shouldn't be too hard.


                      "The Common Cold Isn't So Common During The Cold"     

Snake612 said:
I would really like to see a Edge and Christian reunion

Likewise. I would like to see them reunite or at least be involved in a storyline together. I'm kinda hoping Edge wins the title and Christian wins the MITB. Then, Christian cashes it in against Edge. Something along those lines.

TNA is planning something big for the first five minutes of Impact this Monday.

Mirson said:
Snake612 said:
I would really like to see a Edge and Christian reunion

Likewise. I would like to see them reunite or at least be involved in a storyline together. I'm kinda hoping Edge wins the title and Christian wins the MITB. Then, Christian cashes it in against Edge. Something along those lines.

TNA is planning something big for the first five minutes of Impact this Monday.

Awesome idea!  I hope the WWE steals it!!