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Forums - Sports Discussion - The Official Pro Wrestling Thread

Mise said:
Kasz216 said:

I think Punk could pull it off.

I really do, but that's about it.


I also don't see Orton as a face...  I mean, what's he left with as a face... the whole "I'm psycho" think is his entire gimmic.  I mean, not in a stone cold I may attack you type way, but in a mentally distrubed way.

I can't see that being played off as a face like a Ken Kennedy "I'm an ass but against heels" way because of how more insane it is.


Then again I don't really know what Dibiase's hook is as a face either...

I'd have corey betray ted next week, or at mania... then have them fued with Ted coming out on top and hopefully getting a good gimic at it.

Punk's a huge maybe. The WWE would have to stick with him for a better part of a year, both to prepare him for the streak, breaking it and then holding on to the heat. Thing is, I don't see the WWE ever going for it.

I dunno what they're going to do to make DiBiase face, but Orton's pretty much unsalvageable in that regard - so I guess anything would work.

Would a Bruce Wayne-ish benevolent millionaire gimmick work? His father is the Million Dollar Man, after all.

See... if Bruce Wayne wasn't batman... I think he'd be a heel.  He's a rich guy who parties all the time and womanizes.  I mean sure he donates to charity a lot... but in general he's the kind of person... espeically "some" wrestling fans would hate.

Maybe they don't put a face in it, and immediatly spin the legacy members off into different fueds shortly after... maybe transfering Dibiase to Smackdown.

Or maybe, he could be cut off from his trust fund or something for being a disapointment... have his dad come back on screen for a bit and "manage" the heel he decides is Ted Jr.'s replacement.   Maybe give Batista something to do after Cena beats him.  I mean, the other Dibiase brother is ready to come up, but that'd just degrade ted instead of build him up.

They could do promos where Million Dollar Man buys stuff for Batista or someone, while Ted Jr has to learn what it's like to not have money.  They're eating at fine restruants while he's eating ramen... etc...

then eventually have Ted when a Ladder match in which he wins back his inherentece... then the benevolent millionaire thing might work since people would accept him more for having learned the value of a dollar etc.

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Kasz216 said:

See... if Bruce Wayne wasn't batman... I think he'd be a heel.  He's a rich guy who parties all the time and womanizes.  I mean sure he donates to charity a lot... but in general he's the kind of person... espeically "some" wrestling fans would hate.

Maybe they don't put a face in it, and immediatly spin the legacy members off into different fueds shortly after... maybe transfering Dibiase to Smackdown.

Or maybe, he could be cut off from his trust fund or something for being a disapointment... have his dad come back on screen for a bit and "manage" the heel he decides is Ted Jr.'s replacement.   Maybe give Batista something to do after Cena beats him.  I mean, the other Dibiase brother is ready to come up, but that'd just degrade ted instead of build him up.

They could do promos where Million Dollar Man buys stuff for Batista or someone, while Ted Jr has to learn what it's like to not have money.  They're eating at fine restruants while he's eating ramen... etc...

then eventually have Ted when a Ladder match in which he wins back his inherentece... then the benevolent millionaire thing might work since people would accept him more for having learned the value of a dollar etc.

A womanizing playboy millionaire is also something many people aspire to be, so I guess he could still work as a face, but meh. :p

I can see that angle working, though. I mean, you'd have to use a heel/heel 'Mania match to start an angle, so the match itself would probably fall flat, and DiBiase Sr. would have to come out of retirement for a few months since nobody else could really work in that role (not even Vince). But other than that, I can definitely see that working.


Warning: The preceding message may or may not have included sarcasm, cynicism, irony, full stops, commas, slashes, words, letters, sentences, lines, quotes,  flaeed  gramar, cryptic metaphors or other means of annoying communication. Viewer discretion is/was strongly advised.

You want to make Ted Jr. a face? Here's what you do: The WWE announces that it's in some sort of financial trouble. As of May, 2010, production of all WWE endeavors shall cease to exist. Vince blew all of his money on celebrity guests, and it back-fired. On that final night, all of the WWE Superstars meet in the ring to say their heartfelt goodbyes. At the end of the show, just before it goes off the air, a familiar theme song plays:

"Ha, ha, ha, ha ha! Money-Money-Money-Money-Money!"

Ted Dibiase Sr. announces that he's funding the WWE, now.

-In the weeks that follow, Ted Dibiase goes on an unbelievable winning streak. Triple H, Undertaker (the only one who puts up a fight until Ted Sr. appears under the "Titan-Tron"), John Cena, and Chris Jericho all fall to Ted Jr.'s might. Coincidence?

Anyway, Ted Jr.'s streak continues. Kane goes down in 10 a slap, no less!

Kofi Kingston, in a moment of rage tells Ted Jr., "The only reason you're winning at all is because your dad is making everybody take a dive. You're not that good......TED!"

Ted doesn't believe it. He thinks he's been winning on his own, all of this time. Ted Sr. denies everything, still. But the evidence is there. And he's facing HBK, soon (since HBK broke Taker's Streak ;).

Ted Jr. tells Shawn, "I don't know what to believe, but promise me, promise give me your best shot." The two engage in an epic match. Ted Jr. gets his first real challenge since his dad took over. But he wants Michaels to give him his best.....and Michaels (even though he's conflicted) does just that. And he beats Ted Dibiase Jr. cleanly, in the middle of the ring.

Ted Sr. comes out, mad as hell! He threatens HBK. but Ted Jr. intervenes, saving Shawn's career. The next week, Shawn is in Ted Jr.'s corner. HBK says, "Kid, you're good. Listen to what I teach you. I'm about to make you GREAT."

And Ted Dibiase Jr.'s face turn has just begun.

-A lot of things go through my mind when I'm at work!-

Mise said:
Kasz216 said:

See... if Bruce Wayne wasn't batman... I think he'd be a heel.  He's a rich guy who parties all the time and womanizes.  I mean sure he donates to charity a lot... but in general he's the kind of person... espeically "some" wrestling fans would hate.

Maybe they don't put a face in it, and immediatly spin the legacy members off into different fueds shortly after... maybe transfering Dibiase to Smackdown.

Or maybe, he could be cut off from his trust fund or something for being a disapointment... have his dad come back on screen for a bit and "manage" the heel he decides is Ted Jr.'s replacement.   Maybe give Batista something to do after Cena beats him.  I mean, the other Dibiase brother is ready to come up, but that'd just degrade ted instead of build him up.

They could do promos where Million Dollar Man buys stuff for Batista or someone, while Ted Jr has to learn what it's like to not have money.  They're eating at fine restruants while he's eating ramen... etc...

then eventually have Ted when a Ladder match in which he wins back his inherentece... then the benevolent millionaire thing might work since people would accept him more for having learned the value of a dollar etc.

A womanizing playboy millionaire is also something many people aspire to be, so I guess he could still work as a face, but meh. :p

I can see that angle working, though. I mean, you'd have to use a heel/heel 'Mania match to start an angle, so the match itself would probably fall flat, and DiBiase Sr. would have to come out of retirement for a few months since nobody else could really work in that role (not even Vince). But other than that, I can definitely see that working.


They could always turn Dibiase face before wrestlemania.

Orton is facing Rhodes/Dibiase in a handicap match next week.  Just have Cody turn on Dibiase... and have Rhodes on Ortons side at wrestlmeania.

Right now it might be a triple threat match or a handicap match without the turn... if he loses, it even gives the Million Dollar Man a perfect storyline reason to disinheret his son.

His son LOST not only at wrestlemania... but at HIS induction into the hall of fame embarrsing the Million Dollar Man.

You gotta bring Ted SR out of retirement... but is there any doubt he wouldn't do it to put his own son over the top?

Afterall, all he'd need to do is cut some promos which he's always been great at.

d21lewis said:
You want to make Ted Jr. a face? Here's what you do: The WWE announces that it's in some sort of financial trouble. As of May, 2010, production of all WWE endeavors shall cease to exist. Vince blew all of his money on celebrity guests, and it back-fired. On that final night, all of the WWE Superstars meet in the ring to say their heartfelt goodbyes. At the end of the show, just before it goes off the air, a familiar theme song plays:

"Ha, ha, ha, ha ha! Money-Money-Money-Money-Money!"

Ted Dibiase Sr. announces that he's funding the WWE, now.

-In the weeks that follow, Ted Dibiase goes on an unbelievable winning streak. Triple H, Undertaker (the only one who puts up a fight until Ted Sr. appears under the "Titan-Tron"), John Cena, and Chris Jericho all fall to Ted Jr.'s might. Coincidence?

Anyway, Ted Jr.'s streak continues. Kane goes down in 10 a slap, no less!

Kofi Kingston, in a moment of rage tells Ted Jr., "The only reason you're winning at all is because your dad is making everybody take a dive. You're not that good......TED!"

Ted doesn't believe it. He thinks he's been winning on his own, all of this time. Ted Sr. denies everything, still. But the evidence is there. And he's facing HBK, soon (since HBK broke Taker's Streak ;).

Ted Jr. tells Shawn, "I don't know what to believe, but promise me, promise give me your best shot." The two engage in an epic match. Ted Jr. gets his first real challenge since his dad took over. But he wants Michaels to give him his best.....and Michaels (even though he's conflicted) does just that. And he beats Ted Dibiase Jr. cleanly, in the middle of the ring.

Ted Sr. comes out, mad as hell! He threatens HBK. but Ted Jr. intervenes, saving Shawn's career. The next week, Shawn is in Ted Jr.'s corner. HBK says, "Kid, you're good. Listen to what I teach you. I'm about to make you GREAT."

And Ted Dibiase Jr.'s face turn has just begun.

-A lot of things go through my mind when I'm at work!-

While great in a videogame... I wonder if that storyline in real life would cost the other main eventers a lot of popularity since they lost on purpose.

Around the Network

I remember Ted Sr.'s turn as Raw Guest Host. He mentioned hating Cody Rhodes because his father, a "Common Man", was in the Hall of Fame and Ted Sr. wasn't. That was awesome! If Ted Sr. is going to make a return (and as a personality, he is so over, it's ridiculous!), now is the time! I hope they use him somehow.

d21lewis said:
I remember Ted Sr.'s turn as Raw Guest Host. He mentioned hating Cody Rhodes because his father, a "Common Man", was in the Hall of Fame and Ted Sr. wasn't. That was awesome! If Ted Sr. is going to make a return (and as a personality, he is so over, it's ridiculous!), now is the time! I hope they use him somehow.

They totally should.  The WWE could stand to bring back some manager types.  I think they just decided it'd be cheaper to make other wrestlers managers since they could wrestle too when needed or something.

d21lewis said:
I remember Ted Sr.'s turn as Raw Guest Host. He mentioned hating Cody Rhodes because his father, a "Common Man", was in the Hall of Fame and Ted Sr. wasn't. That was awesome! If Ted Sr. is going to make a return (and as a personality, he is so over, it's ridiculous!), now is the time! I hope they use him somehow.

They don't need to bring Ted Dibiase Sr back. I'm tired of people always wanting old wrestlers to come back. Instead of tyring to get alll these old wrestlers back, how about they give the new stars a reasonable push, good advertisements, and good promotion.



Wow, you guys make it sound like this Ted DiBiase Sr. was the man! I have never actually seen him, so I don't know what he is capable of.

However, Ric Flair and "The Million Dollar Man" are the only two wrestlers my dad remembers, so TD must have been pretty damn good. If the Million Dollar Man made a comeback, my pops would actually watch wrestling full-time haha

Leatherhat on July 6th, 2012 3pm. Vita sales:"3 mil for COD 2 mil for AC. Maybe more. "  thehusbo on July 6th, 2012 5pm. Vita sales:"5 mil for COD 2.2 mil for AC."

Snake612 said:
d21lewis said:
I remember Ted Sr.'s turn as Raw Guest Host. He mentioned hating Cody Rhodes because his father, a "Common Man", was in the Hall of Fame and Ted Sr. wasn't. That was awesome! If Ted Sr. is going to make a return (and as a personality, he is so over, it's ridiculous!), now is the time! I hope they use him somehow.

They don't need to bring Ted Dibiase Sr back. I'm tired of people always wanting old wrestlers to come back. Instead of tyring to get alll these old wrestlers back, how about they give the new stars a reasonable push, good advertisements, and good promotion.


Oh, I don't want him to wrestle!  I just want him to be a villain in the background.  Everybody's got a price for the Million Dollar Man!