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we all know already dont we?

if it isnt micheals, it WILL be cena

and we WILL all groan

Last year's game of the year turned out to be Silent Hill : Shattered Memories (online GOTY was COD 6).  This year's GOTY leader to me is Heavy Rain.

Wii Friend Code: 4094-4604-1880-6889

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^^^I refuse to even consider that option!!

@d21 refuse all you want, deep down you can see it

Last year's game of the year turned out to be Silent Hill : Shattered Memories (online GOTY was COD 6).  This year's GOTY leader to me is Heavy Rain.

Wii Friend Code: 4094-4604-1880-6889

If it's Cena, then we all know why 2012 is the end the world.


                      "The Common Cold Isn't So Common During The Cold"     

I actually predicted Cena vs. Taker for this year's Mania. Taker had already taken down HHH, Michaels, Orton, Batista, Edge, and any other WWE talent that was on his level. Cena was the natural choice. But Cena beat Undertaker? It hurt me to even type that!

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cant you imagine him saying hed win and start a new streak, then he wins, grabs a mic, and says 'the streak starts here!' (rhymes with 'the champ is here' and then he goes on to hit 20 and 0 before the undertaker

finally the hall of fame is renamed, 'The John Cena Hall of Glory'

Last year's game of the year turned out to be Silent Hill : Shattered Memories (online GOTY was COD 6).  This year's GOTY leader to me is Heavy Rain.

Wii Friend Code: 4094-4604-1880-6889

Pyramid Head said:

cant you imagine him saying hed win and start a new streak, then he wins, grabs a mic, and says 'the streak starts here!' (rhymes with 'the champ is here' and then he goes on to hit 20 and 0 before the undertaker

finally the hall of fame is renamed, 'The John Cena Hall of Glory'

That's it.  I'm logging off!

*logs off*


i hate cena

but its just funny the shit he does soemtiems

Last year's game of the year turned out to be Silent Hill : Shattered Memories (online GOTY was COD 6).  This year's GOTY leader to me is Heavy Rain.

Wii Friend Code: 4094-4604-1880-6889

Pyramid Head said:

cant you imagine him saying hed win and start a new streak, then he wins, grabs a mic, and says 'the streak starts here!' (rhymes with 'the champ is here' and then he goes on to hit 20 and 0 before the undertaker

finally the hall of fame is renamed, 'The John Cena Hall of Glory'

If Cena ever ends the streak, the second right after the pin, the fans will invade the ring and murder him. He won't have time to gloat about anything.


                      "The Common Cold Isn't So Common During The Cold"     

I think that the Undertaker will beat HBK and end his career but if this "The John Cena Hall of Glory" crap happens in the future as a result, then I hope to God that HBK ends his streak.

Proud member of the SONIC SUPPORT SQUAD

Tag "Sorry man. Someone pissed in my Wheaties."

"There are like ten games a year that sell over a million units."  High Voltage CEO -  Eric Nofsinger