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Did anyone see TNA Impact when Bischoff was talking to someone on the phone and he said, "No no we're not going to book guest hosts on Impact, that's a dumb idea." LOL!


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Monday Night Wars begins in two weeks! TNA should make another show. Like a tna version of smackdown


Snake612 said:
Monday Night Wars begins in two weeks! TNA should make another show. Like a tna version of smackdown

No, they really shouldn't. Their only show is in enough trouble as it is.

Warning: The preceding message may or may not have included sarcasm, cynicism, irony, full stops, commas, slashes, words, letters, sentences, lines, quotes,  flaeed  gramar, cryptic metaphors or other means of annoying communication. Viewer discretion is/was strongly advised.

WWE releases 3 superstars:

WWE has come to terms on the release of WWE Superstar Shane Helms (Hurricane) as of today February 26, 2010. We wish Shane Helms (Hurricane) the best in all future endeavors.

WWE has come to terms on the release of WWE diva Maria as of today February 26, 2010. We wish Maria the best in all future endeavors.

WWE has come to terms on the release of WWE Superstar Paul Burchill as of today February 26, 2010. We wish Paul Burchill the best in all future endeavors.



I'm surprised Maria was released especially after she won that diva award.

wow talk about releasing the hottest diva of all time

if she needs a new job she can come be my trophy wife

Last year's game of the year turned out to be Silent Hill : Shattered Memories (online GOTY was COD 6).  This year's GOTY leader to me is Heavy Rain.

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I like this NXT/Smackdown thing they have going on at the moment. R-Truth has taken some dude (David Otunga?) under his wing, and right now as I'm watching, the protege is just 'observing' at ringside.

Smackdown seems more entertaining than RAW now lol IDK, I don't watch RAW.

Leatherhat on July 6th, 2012 3pm. Vita sales:"3 mil for COD 2 mil for AC. Maybe more. "  thehusbo on July 6th, 2012 5pm. Vita sales:"5 mil for COD 2.2 mil for AC."

Mise said:
Snake612 said:
Monday Night Wars begins in two weeks! TNA should make another show. Like a tna version of smackdown

No, they really shouldn't. Their only show is in enough trouble as it is.

They're going to have to make another show eventually. What a better time than now! If they really want to compete with the WWE, they're going to have to step their game up. They are going to have to do what WCW did in some sort of way but better. Here's what they have to do:

1) Create another show to compete with Smackdown

2) Promote their shows in venues outside of the Impact Zone

3) Push their mid card wrestlers to main event status because most of their mdi card wrestlers are 10x better than the main eventers in the WWE

Its gonna take them awhile to get to WWE's level. I mean, WCW didn't beat them in ratings in one day. It took years.

I think wih the right promotion, TNA will do just fine.

Another thing, what is with their entrances?

I mean for one, all of the music is instrumental and the videos look like something that was done on Microsoft Powerpoint.

They need to work on that seriously.


They should really move Smackdown back to Thursdays. Anyway, Smackdown's announce team is a lot better than Raw's announce team. They shoudl really bring Jim Ross back and bring back to RAW and put Michael Cole back on Smackdown. Another thing, I'm starting to get tired of this brand extension. They should go back to what they did during the attitude era and let all superstars work on both shows.


Also, did everyone notice Abyss "hulk out"... that was oddly great to see somebody do that again.

Hogan and the Undertaker were always the best at no-selling... and I really kind of miss that berserker "what's going on all a sudden" hulking out.

Snake612 said:
Mise said:
Snake612 said:
Monday Night Wars begins in two weeks! TNA should make another show. Like a tna version of smackdown

No, they really shouldn't. Their only show is in enough trouble as it is.

They're going to have to make another show eventually. What a better time than now! If they really want to compete with the WWE, they're going to have to step their game up. They are going to have to do what WCW did in some sort of way but better. Here's what they have to do:

1) Create another show to compete with Smackdown

2) Promote their shows in venues outside of the Impact Zone

3) Push their mid card wrestlers to main event status because most of their mdi card wrestlers are 10x better than the main eventers in the WWE

Its gonna take them awhile to get to WWE's level. I mean, WCW didn't beat them in ratings in one day. It took years.

I think wih the right promotion, TNA will do just fine.

Another thing, what is with their entrances?

I mean for one, all of the music is instrumental and the videos look like something that was done on Microsoft Powerpoint.

They need to work on that seriously.

First TNA needs to decide who their main eventers are. Is it Joe who appeared in 2 title matches over the span of 4 ppvs and just jobbed to orlando freakin jones in 3 min? Is it Daniels who appeared in 2 title matches in back to back ppvs and jobbed to angle last week in 1 min? Is it Desmond Wolfe who had a high profile feud with kurt angle that rapped two months ago who just jobbed to abyss in 2 min? Who is it? We know AJ is a top guy, we know angle is a top guy but everyone could have any spot at any time. 

I really do like a lot of things tna does but they need freakin order. Ortan, HHH, Cena, Edge, Jericho, Batista, etc. You may like them, you may not but you know that whenever they lose, it's in a hard fought match that makes sense and means something (there are some exceptions of course). 

tna, I need 1-2 matches every week that go 8-12 min and it would be nice if at least 1 had a clean finish.

as it stands, 90% of their matches either A) go 3-5 min or B) go 1-2 min and either lead to a promo or a brawl.