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^^^I fastforwarded through that scene in less than 4.6 seconds. I can smell May Young coming a mile away.

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One bad segment on Raw. We only saw the guest host one other time. Springer goes down as a good hst for hardly being there. END THIS MADNESS WWE!
Raw was enjoyable though. Mabye if Kelly could of kept a straight face the Springer thing could of been a little funny.

 Go Team Venture! I still don't get the Wii, PS Move,  and Kinect.

RAW was terrible yesterday. I'm so happy that WWE is finally getting rid of the name ECW. Its about time. I think this show NXT is going to be good for new up and coming superstars. I feel as if its going to be the new Tough Enough of this generation.


I couldn't get through a full episode of Tough Enough.

 Go Team Venture! I still don't get the Wii, PS Move,  and Kinect.

The Jerry Springer segment was pretty bad, and Santino chanting "Jerry, Jerry" was annoying and made me want to punch him. Though I did laugh at one point because Kelly Kelly was laughing. Why was she even laughing? The JS segment is Gooker worthy.

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ECW was terrible as usual but thank the Lord that the show is cancelled forever! Here's what I think WWE should do that will make their company popular again.

1) Rebuild the tag team division with strong duos
2) Rebuild the women's division by pushing the limit and putting them in matches you wouldn't see them in(i.e. TLC,Hell in a Cell,Ladder matches)
3)Match types should not be ppvs(ie chamber,hell in a cell, and tlc)
4) Besides main eventers having promos before their ppv matches, give mid cards and women matches promos leading up to their matches on a ppv like WWE used to during the attitude era
5) revive Sunday night Heat and put the show back on MTV, since mtv's focus now is reality shows and i'm pretty sure fake wrestyling fits into that picture, and put over mid cards or new wrestlers so they could develop themselves on that show ands at the same time have top superstars main event sunday night heat.
6) Move Smackdown back to thursday to boost ratings. This shouldn't be a problem due to the fact that there are no new shows that are being produced on MyNetwork.


the thing about TNA moving to Mondays, is that it should, in theory increase ratings for both shows. that was the only way that the monday night wars got something like 9.0 ratings at its peak. Also keep in mind that WCW wasn't a runaway hot when it moved to Monday, it took them 4-5 years to be on par with WWE, then all of the sudden they almost buried them. TNA will force Vince to re-think some of his terrible storylines lately.

I tried to watch Raw this week do to the praise the last few weeks have been getting, I sure picked the wrong week.

TNA was pretty good this week, loving the Pope as of late, real loss for WWE as a possible star.

spdk1 said:
 TNA will force Vince to re-think some of his terrible storylines lately.

I doubt it, TNA:s storylines have just been godawful as of late - especially anything that directly involves Hogan or any of the old farts he rode in with.

The only thing TNA seems to have an advantage in is match quality, and even that's a shaky one because of their constant overuse of dirty finishes.

Warning: The preceding message may or may not have included sarcasm, cynicism, irony, full stops, commas, slashes, words, letters, sentences, lines, quotes,  flaeed  gramar, cryptic metaphors or other means of annoying communication. Viewer discretion is/was strongly advised.

"Pope is Pimpin". That's all.

 Go Team Venture! I still don't get the Wii, PS Move,  and Kinect.

So the WWE got rid of two ppvs. They got rid of the Bash and changed it into a ppv called "Fatal Four Way." The one that really made me mad was they got rid of the Backlash ppv and replaced it with Extreme Rules. I also heard that they are getting rid of the Survivor Series ppv due to the fact the ppv buys keep going down year after year. Survivor Series was part of the Big Four ppvs, now there's only three. Backlash was the last ppv of the attitude era. That was my favorite ppv because of Backlash 2000.