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Forums - Sports Discussion - The Official Pro Wrestling Thread

Off topic. ROH ON HDNEt shows got loaded up today and yesterday. 2 regular programs and a best of show. These are the shows that we missed on You Tube because of the holidays, I presume. As usual it is posted by ROHBrazil.
Also the new Spin Cycle from TNA was pretty entertaining with Wolfe and Dinero always arguing. The Pope got alot of time to rant and strut.

 Go Team Venture! I still don't get the Wii, PS Move,  and Kinect.

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did you guys see the MCMG vs. generatio Me match!?

holy crap!!

its the first match after the opening and recap

Yeah, the opening match was awesome. That should've been the opening match for the Jan 4 show, imo. The sumersault/moonsault at 6:10 was incredible to watch. Generation Me really impressed me, and I hope they get a nice push and some airtime.

I'm glad to see Angelina Love back in TNA; she looked very hot tonight.

The Genesis card looks alright. Really looking forward to seeing Angle and AJ got at it one more time. D'Angelo Dinero vs. Desmond Wolfe has the potential to be the match of the show. I have to admit I'm also looking forward to Hall & Nash reuniting as a tag team. I LOL'd at Hall's comment on Impact: "where I drink all that guys beer"

Who do you all think is going to be the big surprise debut at Genesis?

I'm guessing Paul London in the X-Division match and Mr. Kennedy as the main eventer

I'm betting on Mr. Kennedy or RVD as the big debut. I don't see Mr. Kennedy as a big name, but I have to admit he was popular among the crowd with his entrance.


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Mr. Anderson should appear at Genisis. The MCMG/Generation Me match was great. I enjoyed the who are the Young Bucks comment from Taz. London sounds like a good guess for the X-Division but I would prefer Kendrik. No World Elite and only one Knockout match t seems we have are first casualties of Hogan and Bishoff.

 Go Team Venture! I still don't get the Wii, PS Move,  and Kinect.

Hm, now my game keeps freezing... on the create a character screen and such. Hopefully i just need to take the 360 online and patch the game.

Can't even go to accessories on the create a character without it freezing up.

spdk1 said:
did you guys see the MCMG vs. generatio Me match!?

holy crap!!

its the first match after the opening and recap

I just watched this match for the first time and have to say that I'm very impressed my Generation Me. 

I don't know about the purple hankercheifs, but you can't have everything I guess.

Proud member of the SONIC SUPPORT SQUAD

Tag "Sorry man. Someone pissed in my Wheaties."

"There are like ten games a year that sell over a million units."  High Voltage CEO -  Eric Nofsinger

yeah, they look like K-Mart Hardy Boyz

Smackdown yesterday was pretty lame, but I thought the Mysterio/Batista match was funny. Those push-ups remind me of that Scott Steiner and his steroid loaded behavior lol

Leatherhat on July 6th, 2012 3pm. Vita sales:"3 mil for COD 2 mil for AC. Maybe more. "  thehusbo on July 6th, 2012 5pm. Vita sales:"5 mil for COD 2.2 mil for AC."