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anyone else think that Flair might manage A.J.?

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the only thing I didn't like about impact was the 650 billion commercials, did anyone else think they were overboard? I guess its good that they have good sponsors...

spdk1 said:
the only thing I didn't like about impact was the 650 billion commercials, did anyone else think they were overboard? I guess its good that they have good sponsors...

They need the sponsors if they have a prayer against the WWE. 

It's a long way to the top for them.  I like the wrestling first and show second approach that they're taking.  If they turn it into a soap opera like the WWE, then that's a battle that they cannot win.

Proud member of the SONIC SUPPORT SQUAD

Tag "Sorry man. Someone pissed in my Wheaties."

"There are like ten games a year that sell over a million units."  High Voltage CEO -  Eric Nofsinger

Angle vs. AJ was incredible. There were a couple of weak matches, but overall it was a pretty entertaining show. I LOL'd hard at Val Venis and the Jeff Hardy fangirls.

TNA getting Jeff Hardy is pretty big especially that he was main eventing WWE PPVs before he left. I kind of like how TNA left a lot of things unanswered like Ric Flair's and Sting's appearance, Hogan at the end, etc.

Val venis was pretty funny, I wonder if he is sticking around or if it was a one time thing?

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Google top trends for the day:

1. casey johnson dead
2. michael mcdonald
3. orlando jordan
4. val venis
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12. woody johnson
13. boise state football
14. jeff hardy tna
15. abc family
16. fiesta bowl
17. cookie johnson jeans
18. jillian and ed still together
19. jake pavelka
20. tila tequila twitter


around an hour ago "beautiful people" "biscoff" and "tna" were in the top 10

im going to bed before a full update, but here's the long and short of it:

due to an issue, i missed about 70 minutes of impact (caught the first 70, last 40)

the opening match was dreadful. the in ring action, the camera work, the editing, the finish.... all sub par.

the first knock outs match.... solid. About on par for TNA (aka. way above wwe)

hogan speech. I could still live without the 1-2-3 kid, hall, and nash. Oh god, hall. So painful to watch. On the whole, it was good. There were like 4 rapid fire commercial breaks leading into the promo though. Thank you DVR.

The Angle/AJ main event. Very good but short of their 20 minute draw match up. The flow was a little stop/start and the ankle lock/styles clash set ups were far to frequent. Still much better then your typical tv match.

Overall from what I saw: Some definite needs improvement spots, but I've got to say that impact had a sort of excitement that I haven't seen in a long time. Let's hope they keep it up.

TNA was brilliant tonight. Been waiting far too long to see hogan in a ring. And scott hall aswell. Ric Flair was unexpected big time. And Jeff. I knew he was going to be at the impact zone but i didnt think he would be on camera.

The only part i liked about raw was bret harts entrance

Nobody's perfect. I aint nobody!!!

Killzone 2. its not a fps. it a FIRST PERSON WAR SIMULATOR!!!! ..The true PLAYSTATION 3 launch date and market dominations is SEP 1st

I caught Raw thanks to Dailymotion and my thoughts on are as follows. It was pretty much as I expected a solid Raw episode with a good host. The matches were slightly better than normal and overall WWE didn't do anything special. They really didn't have to do anything special ust be better than they have been since Ventura hosted. TNA was the one that needed to up the anty. Which they did for the most part. I wish they had cut down on the promos and gave us one more mtch.

 Go Team Venture! I still don't get the Wii, PS Move,  and Kinect.

TNA owned WWE last night. TNA looked like old WCW with Kevin Nash, Scott Hall, X-Pac, and Hogan with Bischoff in the ring together and Sting in the rafters. TNA crowd was intense last night.