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What i find most interesting about the wrestling games is how the wrestling creation seems to be the most important aspect.... yet it's one that's usually ignored.

WWE and THQ finally seemed to realize this a bit with 2010 or so i here.

You might not even need a wrestling brand to get players involved so long as you had good gameplay and a sophisticated enough modeling system and storyline creation system.

Wrestling fans would make their own models and storylines... it'd be huge. (well for a small niche.)

Of course it's also not the kind of game you could roll out on a yearly basis though.

Of course this is coming from a huge Fire Pro Wrestling diehard.

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Kasz216 said:
What i find most interesting about the wrestling games is how the wrestling creation seems to be the most important aspect.... yet it's one that's usually ignored.

WWE and THQ finally seemed to realize this a bit with 2010 or so i here.

You might not even need a wrestling brand to get players involved so long as you had good gameplay and a sophisticated enough modeling system and storyline creation system.

Wrestling fans would make their own models and storylines... it'd be huge. (well for a small niche.)

Of course it's also not the kind of game you could roll out on a yearly basis though.

Of course this is coming from a huge Fire Pro Wrestling diehard.

Now I would LOVE a wrestling game like that, since the constant degradation of the creative aspect is the main reason why I quit on the SD! games years ago.

Thing is - most people barely want to make their own character in wrestling games, let alone essentially build an entire product even if given good enough tools (and making tools like that is a HUGE challenge in itself).

With a talented and devoted enough (read: insane) dev team, I could see a game like that being made as a small time PC game. On a console, not so much.

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Sheamus actually beat John Cena, after being part of Raw for less than 3 months, and never being any type of champion before.


Leatherhat on July 6th, 2012 3pm. Vita sales:"3 mil for COD 2 mil for AC. Maybe more. "  thehusbo on July 6th, 2012 5pm. Vita sales:"5 mil for COD 2.2 mil for AC."

Mise said:
Kasz216 said:
What i find most interesting about the wrestling games is how the wrestling creation seems to be the most important aspect.... yet it's one that's usually ignored.

WWE and THQ finally seemed to realize this a bit with 2010 or so i here.

You might not even need a wrestling brand to get players involved so long as you had good gameplay and a sophisticated enough modeling system and storyline creation system.

Wrestling fans would make their own models and storylines... it'd be huge. (well for a small niche.)

Of course it's also not the kind of game you could roll out on a yearly basis though.

Of course this is coming from a huge Fire Pro Wrestling diehard.

Now I would LOVE a wrestling game like that, since the constant degradation of the creative aspect is the main reason why I quit on the SD! games years ago.

Thing is - most people barely want to make their own character in wrestling games, let alone essentially build an entire product even if given good enough tools (and making tools like that is a HUGE challenge in itself).

With a talented and devoted enough (read: insane) dev team, I could see a game like that being made as a small time PC game. On a console, not so much.

Actually according to the SD vs Raw guys, in SD VS RAW 2009... Create A Charactrs are played 3 times more then the actual superstars that come with the game.

So I think unlike most games... in wrestling games most people DO want to make their own character... or atleast download them.

A wrestling game where you could buy... and then download classic wrestling events of your childhood and recent wrestling storylines (due to creation content...)

And not only that but what if's... it'd be huge.  I'd think anyway.

Regarding Sheamus. I feel he got the belt to fast. Getting a title shot that fast isn't a bad thing but winning without any sort of rep anywhere is to much. let alone he hasn't shown that much ability in the ring.
The create mode in SD 2010 is very good and with the downloadable content added it is the best create mode ever in a wrestling game
Mabye it's time for everyone to list their wrestler of the year? I have a hard time deciding between Bryan Danielson and Austin Aries.

 Go Team Venture! I still don't get the Wii, PS Move,  and Kinect.

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SaviorX said:
Sheamus actually beat John Cena, after being part of Raw for less than 3 months, and never being any type of champion before.


Can he really be worse then Cena?

As I recall John Cena also won the WWE Championship without winning any other Championships in the WWE as well.  Though it did take him like a year.


The old way of the WWE doesn't work anymore.  You don't get in as a midliner and make your way up to the tops anymore.

Now it's like teaching.  You're either a "tenure track" wrestler or a "non tenure track" wrester.


Even if you catch a lot of heat and popularity as a "non maineventer" you won't get a shot at the main event because the WWE thinks "great now we have someone people want to watch fight for the US title!"

Instead of "Hey this guy is popular he'd be huge as a main eventer."


If you aren't a main eventer right away anymore... I worry about your career in the WWE.  Better to build up some heat, rep and fans and switch to TNA ASAP.

John Cena threw the Undrtaker out of the rumble to start his push. He was U.S. champ feuding with Carlito after that(Angle was somewhere in there). He stated on a recent Raw that it took him about three years to get that title he now has. The fans need to atleast know the guy before you give him the title. 2 big matches and 6 months is that alot to ask for.

 Go Team Venture! I still don't get the Wii, PS Move,  and Kinect.

I think Sheamus becoming WWE champion could really give these new upcoming main eventers hope of having the WWE title. Its time for a change. No more Cena or Orton becoming champion. Its time that they let these new upcoming superstars like Kofi Kingston,Shelton Benjamin,Cody Rhodes or Ted Dibiase to become world champions.


Kasz216 said:

Actually according to the SD vs Raw guys, in SD VS RAW 2009... Create A Charactrs are played 3 times more then the actual superstars that come with the game.

So I think unlike most games... in wrestling games most people DO want to make their own character... or atleast download them.

A wrestling game where you could buy... and then download classic wrestling events of your childhood and recent wrestling storylines (due to creation content...)

And not only that but what if's... it'd be huge.  I'd think anyway.

I think you're somewhat overestimating the creative output of the average wrestling gamer.

While the fact that people want to make and use their own characters is certainly a start, the scale on a game like that would be quite different. Building a few characters is quite another thing to building/downloading, say, 50 and creating a fed around them, let alone booking it or conjuring up storylines, or building and acting out matches instead of just playing them the usual way.

As for some legend- and "what if"-matches (apart from normal CAW bouts), they've been around for a while now as challenges, at least in the SD! series (+ the LOW series). And while expanding their selection and allowing you to create your own would definitely add value to the product, I kinda doubt it would be as big of a draw as you seem to think.

The only way I see that working would be to have a frakton of professional-grade stuff ready to go by the games release. Way I see it, a construction set also needs parts besides the tools - and it would still be a bona-fide niche game. :p


As far as Sheamus goes - most monster heels sink after their first straight loss. I'm willing to wait that far to see how this goes.

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Mise said:
Kasz216 said:

Actually according to the SD vs Raw guys, in SD VS RAW 2009... Create A Charactrs are played 3 times more then the actual superstars that come with the game.

So I think unlike most games... in wrestling games most people DO want to make their own character... or atleast download them.

A wrestling game where you could buy... and then download classic wrestling events of your childhood and recent wrestling storylines (due to creation content...)

And not only that but what if's... it'd be huge.  I'd think anyway.

I think you're somewhat overrestimating the creative output of the average wrestling gamer.

While the fact that people want to make and use their own characters is certainly a start, the scale on a game like that would be quite different. Building a few characters is quite another thing to building/downloading, say, 50 and creating a fed around them, let alone booking it or conjuring up storylines, or building and acting out matches instead of just playing them the usual way.

As for some legend- and "what if"-matches (apart from normal CAW bouts), they've been around for a while now as challenges, at least in the SD! series (+ the LOW series). And while expanding their selection and allowing you to create your own would definitely add value to the product, I kinda doubt it would be as big of a draw as you seem to think.

The only way I'd see that working would be to have a frakton of professional-grade stuff ready to go by the games release. Way I see it, a construction set also needs parts besides the tools - and it would still be a bona-fide niche game. :p


As far as Sheamus goes - most monster heels sink after their first straight loss. I'm willing to wait that far to see how this goes.

Well... that's my point though.

Wrestling games themselves are pretty niche.

Though maybe i'm biased since like I said i'm a huge firepro fan.

To the point of where I have over 200 CAWs all personally created actually and do infact book my own shows and storylines.  Or did before i moved.  I think I left the game at storage in my parents house with some of my worse PS2 games.  I stupidly put it in the wrong case I guess.  Since my firepro box was empty.

Honestly, i don't even know how to play firepro.  I just use it to relive the wresting i liked.


Your right about monster heels though.  The problem is, nobody gives them any characterstics other then "I'm big and mean" and nobody really did that better then Andre the Giant.

Who were the last successful ones?  Undertake and Kane maybe?  They worked because they had the whole supernatural gimic going.