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Nexus should just end now.

What a miserable failure it has become after such a promising start.  Having a vet head it makes no sense at all considering that the entire group was supposed to be about the rookies trying to look out for themselves in order to push themselves to the top of the WWE.  It would have made sense if a vet was behind the master plan from the beginning and using them (CM Punk would have been good for this) , but the way everything has transpired is just all wrong. 

Proud member of the SONIC SUPPORT SQUAD

Tag "Sorry man. Someone pissed in my Wheaties."

"There are like ten games a year that sell over a million units."  High Voltage CEO -  Eric Nofsinger

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amp316 said:

Nexus should just end now.

What a miserable failure it has become after such a promising start.  Having a vet head it makes no sense at all considering that the entire group was supposed to be about the rookies trying to look out for themselves in order to push themselves to the top of the WWE.  It would have made sense if a vet was behind the master plan from the beginning and using them (CM Punk would have been good for this) , but the way everything has transpired is just all wrong.



                      "The Common Cold Isn't So Common During The Cold"     

The only highlight from RAW last night for me was seeing Shawn "HBK" Michaels make an appearance and seeing my favorite WWE wrestler Alberto Del Rio wrestle and then getting kicked by HBK later that night. I feel like I'm watching repeats of RAW when the same rivalry/matches happen over and over again. Morrison/Sheamus keep fighting each other, Cena/Nexus is just dragging on, no tag team division what-so-ever, Michael Cole is still dick-riding the Miz and The Miz is still a boring Champion. I honestly don't know why I still watch RAW. lol


Mr. Anderson won the TNA title at the PPV on Sunday

spdk1 said:

Mr. Anderson won the TNA title at the PPV on Sunday

Cool.  This is the type of thing that they needed to do.  Anderson has a strong personality and that goes a long way in wrestling. 

Now what they need to do is have a long and bitter rivalry between him and Hardy.  The biggest problem with TNA in my opinion is that they can't decide on who their main eventers are.  I love their roster, but they really don't use it well. 

Proud member of the SONIC SUPPORT SQUAD

Tag "Sorry man. Someone pissed in my Wheaties."

"There are like ten games a year that sell over a million units."  High Voltage CEO -  Eric Nofsinger

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I thought I missed Shawn Michaels back in the last part of the '90's and early 2000's.  I almost felt like crying when he showed up on Raw.


Did anybody ever notice that whenever Shawn does his "sweet chin music", he smacks himself in the ass?  That's the sign of a sexy boy!

d21lewis said:

I thought I missed Shawn Michaels back in the last part of the '90's and early 2000's.  I almost felt like crying when he showed up on Raw.


Did anybody ever notice that whenever Shawn does his "sweet chin music", he smacks himself in the ass?  That's the sign of a sexy boy!

The sexiest sweet chin music that I ever saw was when Chris Jericho did his own move on him.  :p

And yes, I noticed the ass smacking thing.   

Proud member of the SONIC SUPPORT SQUAD

Tag "Sorry man. Someone pissed in my Wheaties."

"There are like ten games a year that sell over a million units."  High Voltage CEO -  Eric Nofsinger

Raw was more about character developing than matches. It seemed so non-PG to me......maybe  just to me. Marked out when HBK was announced as an inductee in the 2011 HOF Class and returned the same night. ADR came out, only to recieve a SCM. Epic.


I'M AGAINST THE NEW NEXUS. The real original Nexus died when Wade Barrett was kicked out, what Punk is running is just another Straight Edge Society. Gabriel and Slater both walked out on the group and I'm actually glad. They should have destroyed Punk with the kendo sticks. What was the point of those stupid gang-like initiations? He made them try to destroy each other. He's ruined the group literally. The ONLY Original member left is Otunga. McGillicutty was stupid enough to allow himself to recieve a Nexus beatdown and Harris getting whipped like Jesus backstage. Gabriel was my favorite and one of the best members too IMO .............. Well the renegade rookies had a nice run.





                      "The Common Cold Isn't So Common During The Cold"     

God, how i hate you Cena, let me count the ways..I can't believe WWE is going to continue with that "CM Sucks" insult. We had one perfectly good raw without "You can't sell this" but nooooooo, we have to put him on screen because the kids are going to forget him if he does not appear 2 times in a row.And Daniel Bryan wrestling for only 3 minutes time, plus he has to let Mark Henry make the Pin? Just feud him with Kidd already! F@ck this company. CM punk and Alberto del Rio were great though, and i marked out with Ricardo distracting that waste of space R-Truth.

I think WWE are going with this: CM Punk is going to carry Nexus members that are not talented (Otunga, Mcguillicutty, Harris)  while the more over members are going solo or forming Againstus(tm). Wade is pretty over by himself right now and they have Slater/Gabriel as a tag team and hinting to a face turn. Probably Wade though is going to form Againstus with Slater/Gabriel and Skipp Sheffield and team up with Cena.

"You won't find Adobe here in Nairobi"


spdk1 said:

Mr. Anderson won the TNA title at the PPV on Sunday

Its about time that asshole won the TNA Championship. He also should of won the WWE Championship when he won Money in the Bank at WrestleMania 23,but, I'm not going to rant about that.