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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Nintendo conference discussion

umm did anyone else not notice advance wars wii?????????

sweet merciful crap!!!!

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sounds like they are really pushing wii fit over there.

I wasn't aware of this conference...I wish I had prepared for this megaton...

Bet with disolitude: Left4Dead will have a higher Metacritic rating than Project Origin, 3 months after the second game's release.  (hasn't been 3 months but it looks like I won :-p )

Okay okay I know when I'm beat. I just said to prepare for the possibility. Jeeze lol.

ssj what do you think of all this stuff? I'd kind of like the opinion of someone outside the Nintendo fanbase. Is this stuff big to you? MH3 on the Wii. Pokefarm. Sonic in Brawl and online co-op. DS demo channel. Wii Ware is actually going to have big full games from real developers like Square Enix...

I just want to know because I'm as giddy as a toddler at Christmas. Most of us are going pretty crazy over here. This is a Wii and DS owner's wet dream. What are your thoughts as someone outside of both of those fanbases?

I want an online co-op mode for the POKEFARMS! With headset dammit.

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It wouldn't make too much sense to launch Wii Fit and SSBB right next to each other. That combined with the holidays would make Wii's impossible to find.

The only thing I am disappointed about is there is no mention at all about Disaster: Day of Crisis.

I've been waiting and waiting to hear something new regarding that game since I saw the video for it last year, and I never read anything. Is it dead? Complete? Nearing completion? WTF is the deal for D:DoC.

Just when I sit and wonder what Nintendo could possibly do to keep their momentum going, they announce something massive once again.

Wait. Someone answer my famicon wars question! Are they talking about an Advance Wars for Wii? Or are they talking about Batallion Wars 2? because the latter would make a lot more sense.

And to quote IGN 13:40: Next, Wii trailer clips. Mario Kart Wii, Famicom Wars Wii, Super Mario Stadium Baseball, Wii Music and other games. Wait... one of those is new...

Super Mario Stadium Baseball is new isn't it? So that would be the one title, meaning Famicon Wars is Battallion wars.

I'm a mod, come to me if there's mod'n to do. 

Chrizum is the best thing to happen to the internet, Period.

Serves me right for challenging his sales predictions!

Bet with dsisister44: Red Steel 2 will sell 1 million within it's first 365 days of sales.

BenKenobi88 said:
WTF, I take Iwata's and Reggie's word over naznatips, sorry naznatips.

Reggie announced Brawl's date for America at E3...he went through a checklist. "NOT next year...NOT early ' will get to play Brawl on December 3rd of this year" something along those lines.

It'd piss off so many fans if it got delayed into next year. I wouldn't mind a week, even two, but nothing past Christmas. And it would REALLY kill Brawl's potential if it couldn't go through Christmas.

I'm pretty sure Japan's date hadn't even been announced before...and there was no guarantee on it's date. And why wouldnt' they announce a US delay at this conference? It's now or never in my opinion, which means it's still on track for US Dec. 3rd.

 I think so too.  The Wii currently owns the whole planet, but has a nice uphill battle against the 360 and Halo 3 in the U.S.  Brawl needs to come out before Christmas in the states to dominate the universe.  Nintendo does not need to worry about Japan.  They already won there.

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