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forces u to watch yaouii and yurie stuf

Around the Network

there isnt stuff named that so i cant XD

throws a tomato on ur faceXD

wipes it off

gives you skin cancer...


Throws you in a prison

does not eat anything in order to die as fast as possible

hits the chickens form zelda while being disguised as you and then hinds, the chickens then attack you!!!

Around the Network

^ becomes invisible so that u cant see me

v turn you into a sodium atom XD

reappeers with magic power.

gives u so much homework that u explode

quits school...

changes all clocks in the world to your death time... which should kill you?!?!?!

the clock's a fake.

locks u in the bathroom forevr with no way of escaping!

^goes back in time!!!!

sprays u with insecticide!