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Forums - Sony Discussion - Ps3 on the brink of 24million Console's sold Worldwide

sony is #1!

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ymeaga1n said:

wow are people really that stupid? has this not been covered about 20000 times here?

when sony reports numbers, they are reporting consoles they have sold to retailers. <~ these are numbers sony tracks

Retailers still has to sell those to us. <~ these are numbers vgc ,npd, etc track

There are ps3s sitting on the shelf, in stockrooms, in transit, in crates on huge ships.

And? 24 million shipped for Sony is also sold for them.


^ In the world of business, it's how much you can sell to the consumers that matters. Not how much you're able to sell to retailers to have sit on the shelves.

^ stupidest thing I've ever heard. Sony gets the money selling to retailers not after the reatailer sells to consumer.

PS3 = #1 best selling being one of the most expensive console in history =)

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JEDE3 said:
^ stupidest thing I've ever heard. Sony gets the money selling to retailers not after the reatailer sells to consumer.

LOLOL!! This one ranks pretty high up there.

You missed the whole point.

^ it's not stupid at all. When most companies state that they have a device that has sold x million, they're typically talking about how many consumers have purchased. What good does it really do to have the channel stuffed with lots o' product if it's not in consumer's hands? No one buys games, accessories, etc. for consoles setting on store shelves or in a warehouse.

The excitement in this thread is huge.

4 ≈ One

It goes both ways, retailers buy off sony for X amount of $, then consumers buy off retailers for a slightly larger price (so retailers get their slice of the pie).

Its fair if sony uses sales figures to retailers since thats where they get their money from but means nothing if its not in consumers hands too.

LOL! You think if the retailers are purchasing HW you don't think they are purchasing SW too? ROFL Oh man you guys are good.