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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - IGN: Sparking Flame Warz between Wii and iPhone

And this ladies and gentleman is why nobody takes videogame journalism seriously.

July 29, 2009 - Uh-oh. Wii and iPhone fanboys, grab your pitchforks because a war is brewing on the official message boards of development studio Telltale Games, best known for its Strong Bad and Monkey Island WiiWare games. When a poster started a new thread to complain about the framerate in the Wii iteration of Tales of Monkey Island: Episode 1, a Telltale Games programmer going by the handle of Yare responded to defend the company's position. All well and good, but then he uttered what Wii fanboys everywhere like to call 'fighting words.'

After addressing the framerate complaint, Yare noted: "... The Wii is just not a powerful console. An iPhone is much more powerful than a Wii, even."

Later in the thread, when a poster accused the Telltale programmer of using 'strong words,' he replied: "And I stand by them. The Wii and DS are extremely underpowered and their popularity doesn't remove the hardware limitations."

What's the point? Grabbing a random comment of a Internet forum about a random developer complaining and making an article about it..... beautiful. The sad part is that this thread probably'll end in a Flame Warz too. (I hope not)

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How powerful is an Iphone?

Or was he exaggerating?

Hurray, another bloody war...
The way this was written I see no other intention than trying to get the fanboys fighting. Pathetic.

Real gaming journalists should discourage wars imo.

The iphone is not more powerful than the wii >______> who on earth would say that...

Nintendo is the best videogames company ever!

Nice, who wants to make the article with the headline "Telltale: iPhone is more powerful than Wii"?

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^Not me, I'm not ready to die just yet :( But it'll probably end up in some kind of "Telltale hates Wii" thread or something like that.

iPhone > Wii

Times Banned: 12

Press----------------> <----------------Press

DKII said:
Nice, who wants to make the article with the headline "Telltale: iPhone is more powerful than Wii"?

I have forbade all of my staff writers from publishing anything on the subject.


It's just too damn "shake my head" to even bother.

The rEVOLution is not being televised

I can't even say thats journalism, it's more like..."Hey our site/forums is a little slow, lets see what we can start!" Problem I have is fans of the Wii & other consoles flock to it like mosquitos to a zapper. All the while the author sits back eating grape laughin readin and sayin, "DANCE MY LIL' PUPPETS!!! DANCE!!!!"

It's lame...

The Interweb is about overreaction, this is what makes it great!

...Imagine how boring the interweb would be if everyone thought logically?

Kasz216 said:
How powerful is an Iphone?

Or was he exaggerating?

Well Pilgrim, just see the awesome version of Resident Evil 4 iPhone

...... and please don't look at the iPhone Silent Hill version.