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Kowenicki, is there anyway for me to take it all back before i've jinxed us for good?

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Well looks like my last message did it.

Meh. Could only get 1 of the 2 goals I asked for.

Dammit I'm being pessimistic again

That win by England proves that they are a big contender to win teh world cup. Capello is one of the best managers I have ever seen. He got that England team organized and confident. People may say its a "weak" group, but they worked hard and england also beat Germany. If they were to play France again they would kill them ahah.

One of Englands biggest problems is not playing cohesively as a team. Capello seems to have sorted that so I can't wait for 2010

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Consistency was a big problem and their cockyness. Lampard and Gerrard finally play well with each other and the defense looks solid with Cole and Johnson flanking. Barry is a very good player.

England still need to work on not conceeding gay goals when they have the lead though..

well done england, i was surprised with how well they played and how lame croatia were. england just need to cut out the mistakes.



I was thinking the same on conceding goals and it hit me how even after a 5-1 thumping, winning 8 out of 8 and the amazing goal difference our Englishness shines through and we have to find something to complain about.

Now can someone fetch me a cuppa and find me a queue to stand in.

Heh Belgium lost 2-1 against Armenia, that's pretty pathetic. Vercauteren (the manager) resigned after the loss. Dick Advocaat is next in line to try and make a team out of these individuals, lets see if we can qualify for euro 2012.


Well as a goalkeeper myself, I hate it when my team is winning 3 or 4 nil and the team loses concentration and conceeds a stupid goal. It just frustrates me but well done to England anyways.