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they need to get it to messi.....

poor old of the greatest......i hope he can handle the fallout....

                                                                                                                                        Above & Beyond


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what's the South American group phase standings then?

Well, Maradona was a fantastic player, probably the best ever....that doesn't make him a good coach. In fact, I don't know how anyone could think he could be a good coach, he lacks analysis, he doesn't plan matches. And looking now, it's obvious he doesn't practice set balls well

Oh, well, at least this proves that good player =/= good coach

zexen_lowe said:
Bye bye Diego

Bye bye Heinze

Bye bye WC

Haha, that 0-5 I predicted doesn't look too weird now....oh, well, what can you expect with this team and this coach

  you'll still get to the world only need 5th...and then beat some concaf that right...?

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Cheer up, Zexen, at least this didn't happen in the WC final, now that would be a humilation!

Sometimes these things happen, our players had the worst game of the season in the CL final against Barcelona - and experiencing THAT was awful!

Around the Network

I'm not pissed by any means. I don't support the Selección. I'm totally indifferent to it. I only support my club, Boca

can somone link up the teams for me......or tell them....cause i missed the first messi even playing......

i cannot find the,the bbc...don't have them

yeah i know great players don't always make managers.....still you are at home.......the players have to take some responsibilty.......what a great crowd

                                                                                                                                        Above & Beyond


I mostly support United, used to be a big England supporter, but they wrecked my nerves in the eighties...

zuvuyeay said:
zexen_lowe said:
Bye bye Diego

Bye bye Heinze

Bye bye WC

Haha, that 0-5 I predicted doesn't look too weird now....oh, well, what can you expect with this team and this coach

  you'll still get to the world only need 5th...and then beat some concaf that right...?

Yeah, that's correct. Though, as it looks like, we can't even beat Trinidad and Tobago now...

as I understand it, Brazil qualify if they beat Argentina, who are 4th at the moment, so should get the play off place at the very least.