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Forums - Gaming Discussion - PS3 getting a 360 favorite

gergroy said:
leo-j said:
Zizzla_Rachet said:
mario64 said:
@Sizzla : Sales, I play sales on my 360 !!

I absolutely don't care about sales as long as I've got the best games. ;)

Or you should play Wii Fit, it has the best sales, killing everything on 360.

Exactly when will one 360 exclusive game hit Wii Fit numbers?

Wii fit has a broader apeal...Way bigger than anything on ps3 or 360....I mean Chicks buy wii fit...and fat STFU

That was dumb and did not prove that PS3 has the best games...

Its not our fault people hate the ps3, its not our fault people dont want ps3 games, its not our fault that the ps3 does have quality ip but nobody cares about them.

Sales =/= quality, stop saying it does, if it did that would mean Wii sports, Wii fit, and Wii play were damn near the best games ever in history.

your right, the blame for that rests on Sony because they can't seem to get their act together this gen. 

I totally agree with you, I honestly dont know what the hell happened to them this gen, after having an amazing advertising team in the PS2 era, everything went to hell from PSP and on with there advertising..



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I completely agree the only 'problem' is the price tag.

mario64 said:
@Zizzla : that's called a price cut. That's why the PS3 outsold 360 every week before this price cut, last september, and will outsell it again when Sony cuts the price too.

You mean like how the 360 outsold the PS3 every week until it cut the price from $600/500 to $400?  Seems to me like these price cuts just seem to cancel out, except that the 360 lead keeps getting bigger so their price cuts must be having a bigger/better affect on the overall sales.

Don't be so naive to think that one PS3 price cut or any combination of games releases will change the overall picture of the console race.

Oh and I love how you don't care about sales, Tim, yet you comment all the time how the PS3 will have better SALES after such and such happen.  Hypocrisy much?

mario64 said:
@Shadowblind : yeah sure, I did. If you remove DLC, XBLA 512 Mb games and PSN games (which should never be there in the first place), PS3 wins easily in exclusives FULL GAMES on Meta.

If you remove '360/PC fantasy 360 exclusives' which are not exclusives since they're on PC, it's even worse.

The few games left are from 2007 or before, and they're mostly shooters.

Feel free to check.

Oh how nice, I haven't had a heated forum argument in a while. Its been ever too long, I look forward to this with eager anticipation.

Bare with me for a bit mods

So I'll start this off...WHY would you remove XBLA titles and 360 "fantasy" exclusives? I am quite certain you said the 360 needs good games, not good exclusives. However, even with a lack of XBLA titles, the 360's AAA games list goes as follows:

1 Grand Theft Auto IV 2008 98
2 BioShock 2007 96
3 Orange Box, The 2007 96
4 Gears of War 2006 94
5 Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion, The 2006 94
6 Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare 2007 94
7 Halo 3 2007 94
    2008 93
9 Street Fighter IV 2009 93
10 Fallout 3 2008 93
11 Gears of War 2 2008 93
12 Guitar Hero II 2007 92
13 Rock Band 2007 92
14 Rock Band 2 2008 92
15 Mass Effect 2007 91
16 Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter 2006 90
17 Grand Theft Auto IV: The Lost and Damned 2009 90
    2008 90
19 BlazBlue: Calamity Trigger 2009 90
2008 90
21 Forza Motorsport 2

GOTY Contestants this year: Dead Space 2, Dark Souls, Tales of Graces f. Everything else can suck it.

leo-j said:
Zizzla_Rachet said:
leo-j said:
Zizzla_Rachet said:
mario64 said:
@Sizzla : Sales, I play sales on my 360 !!

I absolutely don't care about sales as long as I've got the best games. ;)

Or you should play Wii Fit, it has the best sales, killing everything on 360.

Exactly when will one 360 exclusive game hit Wii Fit numbers?

Wii fit has a broader apeal...Way bigger than anything on ps3 or 360....I mean Chicks buy wii fit...and fat STFU

That was dumb and did not prove that PS3 has the best games...

Its not our fault people hate the ps3, its not our fault people dont want ps3 games, its not our fault that the ps3 does have quality ip but nobody cares about them.

Sales =/= quality, stop saying it does, if it did that would mean Wii sports, Wii fit, and Wii play were damn near the best games ever in history.

So becuase PS3 has the Niche games I have to agree with PS3 fanboys?

The ps3 has good games, niche? We cant prove that, because most people dont know what Uncharted is, most people dont know what little big planet is, they do know what halo is, why ? Ask sony's advertising team.

I guess you too start buying game mags and watching TV...Uncharted 2 had GT TV blow out...Anyone who has G4 knew about Uncharted

The Internet goes bat shit about game news and Uncharted series have always got maximum coverage...Killzone 2 comercials ran a month straight with WWE events on TV..Sony is advertising their games...people are just not buying them....Uncharted has no competition on the PS3 and was bundled heavily....Uncharted 2 should do over 1mil WW...first week

I don't know why PS3 fanboys all over the Net hail the ps3 as the light giver and down right troll the Xbox 360

Here is Mario64's original post:


Yeah, it's an AAA title (90+ on Metacritic), so it's definitely a great game, no wonder people are happy.

On the subject of AAA games, 360 desperately needs one this year as exclusive :

PS3 exclusives AAA full games in 2009 : 2 (Killzone 2 and MLB 09)
360 exclusive AAA full games in 2009 : 0

It seems 2009 was the year of the PS3, like 2008


That's Trolling


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mario64 said:
2) DLC are not full games. 3) There were more great games this year and last year on PS3 than on 360, like metacritic shows.

Take 85+ full games (non DLC, non XBLA/PSN games), you'll see I'm right from 2008 onwards.

360 need more great games though.

2) Lost and Damned has a longer campaign than Killzone.  Is it not "full" because you didn't buy it in the store?  Because you can...

3) a. There are only 13 "AAA" (going solely by metacritic score) titles in the history of PS3.  10 of them released in '08-'09.  9 of the 13 were multiplat, and one of the 2008 "AAA" titles was a 2007 360 "AAA." Another, from '06, was out a year before on 360.

b. Of the 21 360 "AAA" titles, 10 came out in '08-'09.  One is a DLC campaign exclusive to the 360 version of PS3's highest rated game.  Another is Fallout 3, for which PS3 is still waiting for the full version.

PS3's 2009 AAA exclusives were both one bad review away from falling off the"AAA" pedestal.  360 has 10 games one good review away from making it on, five of which are exclusive.

All that said, 360 has twice as many games in the 89-100 score range than PS3 does, and they are all selling exceptionally.  A good handful of Sony AAA titles were out 6 months to a year or more after the 360 versions, and some (such as Orange Box) were inferior, resulting in a non-AAA port of already established AAA games.

'09 is not over yet, and there are many good to great games on the horizon.  I am glad PS3 got Braid, giving them what should be their 14th AAA title.  If PS3 fans don't count ODST and the like, keep placing additional limitations on their already narrowminded views, and keep getting 360 hand-me-downs, someday they might have as many high-quality titles as the 360.

Believing in the PLAYSTATION®3......IS.......S_A_C_R_I_L_E_G_E

Sizzla was the one talking about sales, so I replied.

mario64 said:
@Shadowblind : yeah sure, I did. If you remove DLC, XBLA 512 Mb games and PSN games (which should never be there in the first place), PS3 wins easily in exclusives FULL GAMES on Meta.

If you remove '360/PC fantasy 360 exclusives' which are not exclusives since they're on PC, it's even worse.

The few games left are from 2007 or before, and they're mostly shooters.

Feel free to check.

Even more trolling...

Try playing those games with out Windows


mario64 said:
I completely agree the only 'problem' is the price tag.

It's more than that... I own one, and it's my 3rd favorite console this gen.

Believing in the PLAYSTATION®3......IS.......S_A_C_R_I_L_E_G_E

Also, why is mario64 allowed back on this site if he has already had lots of account banned before? everyone can see he is only here to troll.......

And that made me laugh, mario64 saying we should exclude all DLC and arcade games lmao!!!