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Forums - Sony Discussion - Five reasons why the PlayStation brand is kiddy and not hardcore

I don't know, make a thread that shocks people. I made a thread about biased wii reviews once. 17 pages in a day lol. The trick is to pick a subject that you know is controversial.

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Fail 0/10, Sony is Hardcore, way more than Nintendo.




10/10 for epic level great thread.

Ask stefl1504 for a sig, even if you don't need one.

Kantor said:
Samus Aran said:
It's more funny if you pretend what he says is true

I play along if it's funny to begin with.

Why do my threads never get this many posts?

Even when they have "Official" in the title.

Get a Kim Possible avatar.

noname2200 said:
BladeOfGod said:

1.Just because game doesn't have blood in it doesn't mean its not hardcore. Example: Devil May Cry and Street Fighter

Psh, Street Fighter was a "fighting" game for wusses. Nintendo didn't even have to censor it on its systems. But Mortal Kombat? Now that's Hardkore.

2.Give me the link where it says Sackboy is Sony's OFFICIAL MASCOT.


3.Lets look at games the kiddie company Sony gave us/is giving us: Uncharted 2 (with all the shooting, blood and war criminals) MAG ( 256 players shooting at each other, what's so hardcore about it?) God Of War III ( the kiddiest game ever, no need to say anything) KIllzone 2 ( rated E )

Now lets looks at some games awesome hardcore games Nintendo gave/is giving us:


Wii Fit PLUS (OMG this is soo going to be 18+)

Wii Music (no comment)

And of course Mario: (jump on mushroom, kill the turtle,save the princes, jump on mushroom,kill the turtle,save the princes,jum on mushroom, kill the turtle,save the princes...)

I think you're confused; you're supposed to be arguing against me, not for me. We all already know that Uncharted is targeted at pre-pubescent boys who would rather play Tomb Raider as a dude rather than ogle Lara Croft for hours on end (well, kids and gay dudes, I guess). MAG stands for Miniature Adolescents' Gamez, the enemies in Killzone look like Halloween rejects (ooh, a gas mask! Scary!...if I'm six years old), and as you said, GoW is so kiddy I'm disgusted you even brought it up.
Nintendo, by contrast, gives us games targeted to middle-aged gamers like Wii Fit, and an iconic game with undercurrents of social commentary comparing the evils of capitalism with the glories of humanity's socialist future, while also exploring issues like drug abuse and using symbols of the peace movement to overcome dictatorships and tyrants.
I'm glad you agree those games aren't kiddy, or else you'd be looking really stupid right about now.
*Insert point 4 here* Oh wait, I don't have a response to that, 'cuz there is none!

5.Some PSP bundles i found on internet and GameStop:

God Of War Chains of Olympus

Ratchet & Clank

Star Wars Battlefront


Tekken: Dark Resurection


Question: which PSP bundle did Sony devote precious time to in its E3 conference? What was that? Hannah Montana? Well I guess that shows where their priorities lie.








Xigmund said:
Games really don't have to be extremely violent to be good.

 Spoken like a kiddy Sony fan...

Okay, I'll stop now.

So let me get this right. Wii Fit is hardcore and Killzone 2 and GOW3 is kiddie???KZ2 never supposed to be scary.It supposed to be violent, with all the war, screaming and blood. Also you're calling Uncharted a gay game because the main character is male and than you're saying  GOW 3 is kiddie. You know what, i am not gonna waste a single minute talking with you anymore... Go kill some mushroomes and play with the italian plumber on hardcore nintendo  game



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you are being so pathetic right now...



Samus Aran said:


*clap* and you can say the same thing about the 360 but who always thinks that the least hardcore and kiddy console is and will always be is the wii with little to no gta or bloody games compared to the others so why post this

Gta is boring and repetitive. There, I said it. Since when does a bloody game mean hardcore anyway? Blood is for little kids... Mature people develop a different taste in gaming that doesn't revolve around blood only. You'll understand once you graduate(Or turn 30, what ever happens first)


I'm going to let you in on a little secret... Super Mario galaxy is the most hardcore game ever made. It insults all the buyers of being gay(well, it's only an insult if you're not gay) Tell me one game that is more hardcore then that please?


Ps: Buy some sarcasm detectors that aren't made by Microsoft.

Not to bright are we

Yeah, I'm not TOO bright. lol...

Critical miss ^_^

Pathetic thread.

So I guess the xbox brand isn't kiddy and hardcore, even though it has the copycat avatars, the upcoming kodu game, and, oh, NATAL. Yes natal. The motion control periperal which intends to aim a more broader audience and less on the hardcore. Sounds a lot like the wii.