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Forums - General Discussion - The offiially moved "Most Attractive User" elimination game

Vetteman94 said:
D_Boy said:
Vettemen seems to have a grudge against me...nuninhuh is awesome though....go Yoshi!

Dont feel bad, but its only because you are a guy, and IMO you pale in comparison to the 2 ladies in the contest.  If they werent there I might vote for you since you do take picures with cool cars. 

@ NiKKoM
Why do you keep butchering my name????? is true I take pics with cool cars (I love cars) comment was a joke though. I didn't mean anything by it....I got a pretty sweet set up in your avatar. Just a bit of trash talk...gotta keep up appearances. By the way...any guy pales in comparison to the 2 is programmed into our minds...

Around the Network
Vetteman94 said:

@ NiKKoM
Why do you keep butchering my name?????

Cause you keep voting on Lolita while trashleg should win... :P

Previous voter: Vman94

lolita - 15

trashleg - 14 (+)

D_Boy- 8 (-)
NightstrikerX- 8
Esmoreit - 8
nojustno - 8
pearljammer - 8
O-D-C - 7 (-)
axumblade - 7 (-)

Zexen_lowe - 6

Hatmoza - 5


Kamal, WessleWoggle, fmc83, EPP, pbroy, Necromunda,TheRealMafoo, RCTjunkie, PDF


Face the future.. Gamecenter ID: nikkom_nl (oh no he didn't!!) 

trashleg said:
nuninhuh said:

oh i didn't notice you have a mustachio on your avatar. You just got more interesting  (maybe i will start to vote on you)

haha, so you think the facial hair boosts attractiveness eh? jk.


the probability of being a man is much bigger with facial hair.

Previous voter: NiKKoM

lolita - 15

trashleg - 14

D_Boy- 9 (+)

NightstrikerX- 8
Esmoreit - 8
nojustno - 8
pearljammer - 8

axumblade - 7

O-D-C - 6 (-)

Zexen_lowe - 5 (-)

Hatmoza - 4 (-)


Kamal, WessleWoggle, fmc83, EPP, pbroy, Necromunda,TheRealMafoo, RCTjunkie, PDF

trashleg said:
hatmoza said:
@ trashleg

You can't take me seriously?! Strange coming from a girl wearing a somebrero and has a face covered in Crayola Crayons

LOL fair point, amigo. i have another mustachio pic, sans sombrero.

and FYI, it wasnt crayon, i do believe it was a felt-tip pen (a bugger to get off afterwards..)


Your mustache is crooked X-D


I am the black sheep     "of course I'm crazy, but that doesn't mean I'm wrong."-Robert Anton Wilson

Around the Network
hatmoza said:
trashleg said:
hatmoza said:
@ trashleg

You can't take me seriously?! Strange coming from a girl wearing a somebrero and has a face covered in Crayola Crayons

LOL fair point, amigo. i have another mustachio pic, sans sombrero.


and FYI, it wasnt crayon, i do believe it was a felt-tip pen (a bugger to get off afterwards..)


Your mustache is crooked X-D


nature works in mysterious ways....

NikkoM - thanks

Highwaystar101 said: trashleg said that if I didn't pay back the money she leant me, she would come round and break my legs... That's why people call her trashleg, because she trashes the legs of the people she loan sharks money to.

You should have used that mustache picture. Humor almost always adds to attractiveness.

aw, boo.

RCTjunkie CAN I CHANGE MY PIC OR IS IT TOO LATE??!?!?!!11!!one!?

meh. people can see my photos in my profile albums anyway, so having just that one on the first page is silly.

Highwaystar101 said: trashleg said that if I didn't pay back the money she leant me, she would come round and break my legs... That's why people call her trashleg, because she trashes the legs of the people she loan sharks money to.

Previous voter: Nuninhuh

lolita - 14 (-)
trashleg - 14

D_Boy- 9

nojustno - 8
pearljammer - 8

NightstrikerX- 7 (-)
Esmoreit - 7 (-)
axumblade - 7

O-D-C - 6

Zexen_lowe - 5
Hatmoza - 5 (+)


Kamal, WessleWoggle, fmc83, EPP, pbroy, Necromunda,TheRealMafoo, RCTjunkie, PDF


Previous voter: seece

lolita - 15 (+)

trashleg - 14

D_Boy- 9

nojustno - 7 (-)
pearljammer - 7 (-)
NightstrikerX- 7
Esmoreit - 7
axumblade - 7

O-D-C - 5 (-)

Zexen_lowe - 5
Hatmoza - 5


Kamal, WessleWoggle, fmc83, EPP, pbroy, Necromunda,TheRealMafoo, RCTjunkie, PDF