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Forums - Sony Discussion - Is 2008 REALLY Sony's year?

@ S-L-I-P

You also say Sony has the biggest line-up, but you don't know the other two's line-up.

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S-L-I-P said:

Sony does infact have the biggest line-up for 2008. The author of this thread is making claims that FF is going to be pushed back to 09', where is his proof for this? 360 does not have much besides some multi-plats.

Metal Gear Solid 4

Devil May Cry 4


Killzone 2

Call Of Duty

Final Fantasy + Versus

Gran Turismo

Little Big Planet

Saints Row 2

Grand Theft Auto

Soul Calibur IV


Probably missing a few more, and most likely some unannounced titles. Can someone tell me what the Wii line-up is and 360 line-up. I have to go right now but we can compare the line-ups later.


Including new features and a new entry-level SKU, the PS3 is going to have an amazing year. It will most likely surpass the 360 and catch up to the Wii ( If the sales rate steadily goes down ).

I'll put my two cents in, Call of duty comes out this year.  DMC 4 and SC 4 as well as GTA 4 are all multi platform funny how all of them are the 4th including COD. wow lol

Hi, this is Vince with Shamwow.

So the Wii having too many games will make it lose.

That does not make sense whatsoever in the tiniest bit.

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dtewi said:
@ S-L-I-P

Final Fantasy will be pushed back to 2009. And you think Sony will have the biggest line-up, what is your proof for this?

You work for Sqaure Enix? You have any proof of an 09 delay? My proof is the list of games right there, all AAA titles. Most of which will pass the 1.5million mark and a few that will go on past 2million.


dtewi said:
@ S-L-I-P

You also say Sony has the biggest line-up, but you don't know the other two's line-up.

I have a pretty good idea of whats coming out, but I am not a hardcore fan of Wii or 360 so I don't know of any new AAA titles.

PS3 will have three big franchises in 2008, Tekken,MGS and GT. I dont really like to count in unproven franchises. Microsoft does not want to show their 08 games dont know wich games that is coming. The only games I can think of till Wii is Mario kart, DQS and FFCC. At the moment PS3 seems to have the upper hand.

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@ S-L-I-P

Your post is so contradictory. You said there is no proof for an 09 delay, yet you say sony has the biggest line-up without any proof. You have no idea what the other's line-up is.

Kimi wa ne tashika ni ano toki watashi no soba ni ita

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Sugu yoko de waratteita

Nakushitemo torimodosu kimi wo

I will never leave you

Please, all of you: Do not forget there will be more games announced on every console.

Especially Nintendo keeps it´s games secret as long as possible. Some Nintendo IP´s will be released next year without a doubt.

The same goes for Sony and Microsoft, not all 2008 games are announced yet.

You cannot say "Sony does infact have the biggest line up 2008" or something. You can´t decide for the other gamers. There is no biggest line up as everyone likes his or her own games.

I now nobody will read this as that´s always the case with my posts but it is still true.

You can just argue about which line up will sell more consoles (is Wii Fit going to sell more consoles than Final Fantasy XIII or not?) but you cannot take your personal preferences and make them a fact.

Damn, grow up people...

dtewi said:
@ S-L-I-P

Your post is so contradictory. You said there is no proof for an 09 delay, yet you say sony has the biggest line-up without any proof. You have no idea what the other's line-up is.

Can you please stop repeating yourself? Read my above post.


Louie said:
"Please, all of you: Do not forget there will be more games announced on every console.

Especially Nintendo keeps it´s games secret as long as possible. Some Nintendo IP´s will be released next year without a doubt.

The same goes for Sony and Microsoft, not all 2008 games are announced yet.

You cannot say "Sony does infact have the biggest line up 2008" or something. You can´t decide for the other gamers. There is no biggest line up as everyone likes his or her own games.

I now nobody will read this as that´s always the case with my posts but it is still true.

You can just argue about which line up will sell more consoles (is Wii Fit going to sell more consoles than Final Fantasy XIII or not?) but you cannot take your personal preferences and make them a fact.

Damn, grow up people..."

That is true, but people won't understand that. Personally the line-up Sony has is more appealing to me, although the Wii has a very interesting line-up too. 

WiiFit is going to be massive Yojimbo.

Kimi wa ne tashika ni ano toki watashi no soba ni ita

Itsudatte itsudatte itsudatte

Sugu yoko de waratteita

Nakushitemo torimodosu kimi wo

I will never leave you

"Please, all of you: Do not forget there will be more games announced on every console.

Especially Nintendo keeps it´s games secret as long as possible. Some Nintendo IP´s will be released next year without a doubt.

The same goes for Sony and Microsoft, not all 2008 games are announced yet.

You cannot say "Sony does infact have the biggest line up 2008" or something. You can´t decide for the other gamers. There is no biggest line up as everyone likes his or her own games.

I now nobody will read this as that´s always the case with my posts but it is still true.

You can just argue about which line up will sell more consoles (is Wii Fit going to sell more consoles than Final Fantasy XIII or not?) but you cannot take your personal preferences and make them a fact.

Damn, grow up people..."

Re-posted in case if it is missed.

Kimi wa ne tashika ni ano toki watashi no soba ni ita

Itsudatte itsudatte itsudatte

Sugu yoko de waratteita

Nakushitemo torimodosu kimi wo

I will never leave you